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Archduke Charles Leads a Charge at the Battle of Aspern-Essling
Image by Johann Peter Krafft

Archduke Charles Leads a Charge at the Battle of Aspern-Essling

Archduke Charles of Austria leads a pivotal charge during the Battle of Aspern-Essling (21-22 May 1809) that contributes to the Austrian victory. Painting by Johann Peter Krafft, circa early 19th century. Heeresgeschichtliches Museum...
Battle of Aspern-Essling, May 1809
Image by Fernand Cormon

Battle of Aspern-Essling, May 1809

The Battle of Aspern-Essling, 21-22 May 1809, between French and Austrian armies. The battle resulted in an Austrian victory and marked Napoleon's first major battlefield defeat in a decade. Oil on canvas painting by Fernand Cormon...
Storming of Ratisbon, April 1809
Image by Charles Thévenin

Storming of Ratisbon, April 1809

Marshal Jean Lannes leads the French troops in the storming of the citadel of Ratisbon on 23 April 1809, during the War of the Fifth Coalition (1809). Painting by Charles Thévenin, 1810. Palace of Versailles.
Gilt-bronze Enceladus By Gaspar Mercy
Image by Coyau

Gilt-bronze Enceladus By Gaspar Mercy

The Giant Enceladus, gilt-bronze statue by Gaspar Mercy. Bosquet de l'Encélade (Gardens of Versailles).
Napoleon Entering Berlin, 27 October 1806
Image by Charles Meynier

Napoleon Entering Berlin, 27 October 1806

Napoleon enters Berlin after defeating the Prussian army at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt, oil on canvas painting by Charles Meynier, 1810. Palace of Versailles.
Death of Cato of Utica
Image by Jean-Paul Laurens

Death of Cato of Utica

The Death of Cato of Utica, oil on canvas by Jean-Paul Laurens, 1863. Musée des Augustins, Toulouse.
Cato of Utica
Image by Jastrow

Cato of Utica

Cato of Utica reading the Phaedo before committing suicide, Carrara marble sculpture by Jean-Baptiste Roman and François Rude, commissioned by King Louis-Philippe in 1832, finished in 1840. Louvre, Paris.
Excavations at Lefkandi
Image by Mark Landon

Excavations at Lefkandi

Heroon (Hero's Grave) of Lefkandi, western rooms, from the north, photographed in 1991.
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Image by Unknown Artist

King Frederick William III of Prussia

King Frederick William III of Prussia (r. 1797-1840), oil on canvas portrait by an unknown artist, between 1830-1840. Museum of Prussia, Minden, Germany.
Meeting of Napoleon and Alexander I at Tilsit, 25 June 1807
Image by Adolphe Roehn

Meeting of Napoleon and Alexander I at Tilsit, 25 June 1807

Emperor Napoleon I of France (r. 1804-1814; 1815) meets with Tsar Alexander I of Russia (1801-1825) on a specially built raft in the middle of the Niemen River to discuss peace. It is one of the most iconic episodes of the Napoleonic Era...