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Arch, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

Arch, Anjar

An arch from the ruins of Anjar (8th century CE) in modern Lebanon. The structure recalls Roman architectural archways.
Roman Column, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

Roman Column, Anjar

The Roman Columns in Anjar (8th century CE) were most probably reused from earlier 4th century CE Christian buildings.
Mihrab, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

Mihrab, Anjar

Mihrab or niche in the wall of a mosque at Anjar (8th century CE) that indicates the qibla or direction to Mecca, decorated by an apex arch lintel carved with vegetal carving above Byzantine characters.
Portara, Naxos
Image by Susanne Tofern

Portara, Naxos

The Portara of Naxos. The doorway leading from the prodromos to the cella of the 6th century BCE temple of Apollo. The doorway is 6m high and 3.5 m wide. The temple itself, as indicated by its surviving foundations, measured some 59 by 28...
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti


The 8th century CE ruins of Anjar, a city of the Umayyad civilization (modern day Lebanon). The palace of the Caliph - highest area of the whole site - the Roman arcade is clearly seen. The site reveals a long period of early occupation by...
Hittite Empire c. 1300 BCE
Image by DBachmann

Hittite Empire c. 1300 BCE

The Hittite Empire at its maximum extension c. 1300 BCE (indicated in red. The Eyptian area of influence is indicated in green).
Roman Aqueduct, Caesarea
Image by Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Roman Aqueduct, Caesarea

The Roman aqueduct of Caesarea Palestina.
Image by Peter Roan


A bronze nummus of Aquileia depicting Galerius, r. 305-311 CE (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Map of the World in 1000 BCE
Image by Electionworld

Map of the World in 1000 BCE

A map of the world in 1000 BCE illustrating: hunter-gatherers (yellow) nomadic pastoralists (purple) simple farming societies (green) complex farming societies/chiefdoms (orange) state societies (blue)
Theatre, Carthago Nova
Image by Rafael

Theatre, Carthago Nova

The Roman theatre of Carthago Nova (New Carthage), in modern southern Spain.