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Gallic Wars
This artistic 3D scene shows how fighting between the Roman and the Gauls may have looked during Julius Caesar's campaigns in Gaul (58 to 50 BCE).

Siege of Alesia
This is an artistic 3D model of how the Battle of Alesia may have looked.
In this decisive Roman victory (September 52 BCE), Julius Caesar defeated the Arverni leader Vercingetorix, completing the Roman conquest of Gaul.

Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli
A turquoise mosaic mask representing Xiuhtecuhtli, the Aztec god of fire, 1400-1521 CE. The mask is of cedar wood with mother-of-pearl eyes, conch shell teeth and once with gold leaf on the eyelids. (The British Museum, London).

Map of the Qin Empire
The map shows the territory controlled by the Qin dynasty in China in 210 BCE.

Terracotta Oil Lamp with Mars
Terracotta oil lamp depicting Mars riding a chariot. It dates from the 2nd century CE. (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)

Statue of Mars from York (Eboracum)
Life-size statue of the Roman god of war - Mars - wearing full amour and carrying a shield. It was found in Blossom Street in York and dates from the early 4th century CE. (Yorkshire Museum, York)

Fresco of a Statue of Mars, Pompeii
Mars, the Roman god of war, is painted standing on a plinth in this fresco from Pompeii. In a typical pose, he has a spear, shield and crested helmet. (House of Venus, Pompeii)

The Temple of Apollo at Claros
The Temple of Apollo at Claros (also called Klaros) was a very important center of prophecy as in Delphi and Didyma. The building of the temple started at the beginning of the 3rd century BCE.

Lucius Aelius Caesar
Lucius Aelius was Hadrian’s first intended successor. Aelius was the son of a powerful senatorial family. He served as consul in 136 CE and was officially adopted by Hadrian as his heir in 137 CE. However Aelius died before Hadrian on January...

Inside the Temple of Apollo at Didyma
This is a view down into the inner chamber or adyton of the Temple of Apollo at Didyma in present-day western Turkey. The temple was unique in that the adyton was sunk below the level of the temple platform. This picture was taken from...