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Roman Bronze Brooches
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Bronze Brooches

Two Roman brooches made from bronze. The left is an example of an 'omega' brooch whilst the right is an example of the 'pincer' type. 3rd century CE. (Archaeological Museum, Aosta)
Roman Food Shop Reconstruction
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Food Shop Reconstruction

A reconstruction of a Roman thermopolio or hot food and drink shop. (Archaeological Museum, Aosta)
Image by Luidger


A colossal basalt statue of Coatlicue ('Serpent Skirt'), the Aztec mother-earth goddess and mother of Huitzilopochtli. The goddess is represented with a severed head replaced by two snake heads, wearing a necklace of severed hands and human...
The Last Supper
Image by Escarlati

The Last Supper

The Last Supper, oil on panel (c. 1562) by Joan de Joanes (1510–1579). Prado Museum.
Roman Coin Values Under Augustus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Coin Values Under Augustus

An illustration of the various Roman coin values at the time of Augustus. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome).
Roman Coins
Image by Rasiel Suarez

Roman Coins

Some of the most common Roman coins, including the gold aureus, silver denarius and brass sestertius.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Historical Buddha
Image by Cristian Violatti

Siddhartha Gautama, the Historical Buddha

The Buddha seated in meditation, one hand on his lap, the other pendant in a gesture known as earth-witness, which represents unshakability or steadfastness when being subject to the demons' temptations. This is a superb example of 12th century...
Jesus Christ Pantokrator
Image by Hardscarf

Jesus Christ Pantokrator

The oldest known icon depicting Jesus Christ (6th century) in Saint Catherine's Monastery, Egypt.
Cambyses II of Persia
Image by Wikipedia

Cambyses II of Persia

Cambyses II of Persia after winning the battle of Pelusium on 525 BC, capturing Psamtik III of Egypt and conquering Egypt. Please accept this.
Temple of Castor & Pollux
Image by Dcastor

Temple of Castor & Pollux

The three remaining Corinthian columns of the Temple of Castor & Pollux in the Roman Forum, Rome. The present temple dates from the end of the 1st century BCE and early 1st century CE but replaced a temple also dedicated to the demi-god twins...