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Roman Satyrs Floor Mosaic
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Satyrs Floor Mosaic

A 2nd century CE floor mosaic depicting Dionysos and satyrs with laurel crowns. From the area of the Villa della Farnesina, Rome. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)
Dying Niobid
Image by Mark Cartwright

Dying Niobid

A 5th century BCE marble sculpture of one of the daughters of Niobe, dying from an arrow wound in her back. According to the story from Greek mythology Niobe insulted the goddess Lato by thinking herself more worthy. Lato then had her children...
Julio-Claudian Family Tree
Image by Rursus

Julio-Claudian Family Tree

Family tree of Julio-Claudian Dynasty, which produced five emperors at the start of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - 68 CE).
Image by Sean Pathasema/Birmingham Museum of Art


An urn representing the Zapotec deity Cocijo who had a human body with jaguar and serpent features with a forked tongue and was considered the god of rain and lightning. (200 BCE - 700 CE, Stanford Cantor Museum)
Danzantes, Monte Alban
Image by El Comandante

Danzantes, Monte Alban

Examples of the Danzantes (dancing figures) from Monte Alban, capital of the Zapotec Civilization in the Oaxaca Valley of Mexico from c. 500 BCE to 900 CE. The figures are represented in reliefs taken from a Classic period temple at the site...
Monte Alban
Image by Gumr51

Monte Alban

Part of the sacred precinct of Monte Alban, in the Oaxaca Valley of Mexico. The site was the capital of the Zapotec Civilization from c. 500 BCE to c. 900 CE.
Statue of Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta
Image by आशीष भटनागर

Statue of Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta

Statue of Indian Emperor Chandragupta (r. 322-298 BCE), founder of the Mauryan dynasty. The statue is located at the Laxminarayan Temple in New Delhi, India.
Roman Armour
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Armour

A detail from a 2nd century CE Roman statue showing the armoured breast plate (lorica), tunic and cloak (paludamentum) typical of a Roman soldier. The armour is decorated with acanthus leaves and from the hanging pieryges are, alternately...
Sappho of Lesbos, Palazzo Massimo
Image by Mark Cartwright

Sappho of Lesbos, Palazzo Massimo

A black basalt representation of the Greek poetess Sappho of Lesbos. The work is a 16-18th century CE replica or even a re-working of an ancient original. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome)
The Judgement of Paris (Detail)
Image by Mark Cartwright

The Judgement of Paris (Detail)

A detail from a fragmentary marble relief depicting the Judgement of Paris, one of the preliminaries in the Trojan War story. Paris wears his typical oriental cap and on the left is his companion, the shepherdess Oenone, who holds a syrinx...