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Pyramid B, Tollan
Image by HJPD

Pyramid B, Tollan

Pyramid B of Tollan in central Mexico, the capital of the Toltec civilization (10-12th century CE). The five-tiered pyramid is topped by stone warrior columns which would have once supported a roof structure. In the foreground stand the ruins...
Tollan (Tula)
Image by Gengiskanhg

Tollan (Tula)

A diagram of the sacred precinct at Tollan (Tula), the capital of the Toltec civilization (10-12th century CE) in Mesoamerica. The site includes two step pyramids, colonnades, a palace structure and two ball-courts.
Toltec Warrior Columns
Image by Luidger

Toltec Warrior Columns

The columns atop Pyramid B at the Toltec capital of Tollan (Tula) which once supported a roof structure. They are each composed of four column drums and represent Toltec warriors ready for battle wearing their customary headdress and butterfly...
Tibetan Mandala, Sera Monastery
Image by Kosi Gramatikoff

Tibetan Mandala, Sera Monastery

Tibetan Mandala painted in the Sera Monastery, about 2 km away from Lhasa, Tibet.
Mandala of the Diamond World
Image by

Mandala of the Diamond World

"The Mandala of the Diamond World," also known as "The Diamond Realm Mandala." Japanese hanging scroll, Kamakura period, 13th-14th century CE.
Theodora I
Image by The Yorck Project

Theodora I

Theodora: Detail from the 6th-century mosaic "Empress Theodora and Her Court" in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna.
Image by Dennis Jarvis


A statue of Xochipilli (the Prince of Flowers) the Aztec god of summer, flowers and pleasure. The god wears a mask, is covered in flowers and is playing a rattle (missing) and singing. 1450-1500 CE. (National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico...
Krishna Manifesting His Full Glory to Arjuna
Image by Steve Jurvetson

Krishna Manifesting His Full Glory to Arjuna

Statue at a temple in Singapore of the God Krishna manifesting his full glory to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
Aztec Sun Stone
Image by Dennis Jarvis

Aztec Sun Stone

The Aztec Sun Stone (also known as the Calendar Stone) is a representation of the five eras of the sun from Aztec mythology. The stone was part of the architectural complex of the Temple Mayor of Tenochtitlán and dates to c. 1427 CE. The...
Arjuna During the Battle of Kurukshetra
Image by Unknown

Arjuna During the Battle of Kurukshetra

A 16th-century painting illustrating a battle scene in the Bhagavad Gita, during the battle of Kurukshetra. Arjuna (far right), hero and leader of the Pandava army, is supported by his personal charioteer, the god Krishna (second from...