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Cylinder Seal, Horned Animals
Image by Karen Barrett-Wilt

Cylinder Seal, Horned Animals

Horned Animals with Stars Overhead; Cylinder seal impression; Basalt, serpentine; Khafajah, Sin Temple II (Iraq), Late Uruk-Jamdat Nasr period (3350-2900 BCE). Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Hygieia, Vatican Museums
Image by Mark Cartwright

Hygieia, Vatican Museums

A Roman statue of unknown date depicting Hygieia, the goddess of Health. Believed to be a copy of a 2nd century BCE original. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A sculpture of Urania, the Muse of Astronomy. Originally the statue was of Persephone but recarved and with a head addded taken from a 2nd century CE statue of another Muse. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A 1st century CE Roman sculpture of Melpomene, the Muse of tragedy. She holds a sword and the tragic mask of Hercules. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A Roman sculpture of unknown date depicting Clio the Muse of history. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A 1st century CE Roman sculpture of Erato, the Muse of lyric poetry, playing the lyre. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A Roman 2nd century CE sculpture of Calliope, the Muse of epic poetry. The sculpture is a copy of a 2nd century BCE Hellenistic sculpture which was itself a copy of a 4th century BCE Greek original. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Image by Mark Cartwright


A Roman sculpture of Terpsichore, the Muse of Dance, playing a lyre, 1st century CE. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Mentuhotep II Head
Image by Mark Cartwright

Mentuhotep II Head

Limestone head of Egyptian pharaoh Mentuhotep II, 11th Dynasty 2061-2010 BCE. The head comes from a column of the mortuary temple Deir el-Bahari at Thebes West. Mentuhotep II was the Theban king who ruled for half a century and reunified...
Inscription, Arch of Titus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Inscription, Arch of Titus

The inscription from the Triumphal Arch of Titus, erected in the Roman Forum in c. 81 CE by Domitian to commemorate his brother Titus' campaigns in the Jewish War (70-71 CE). It reads: The Senate and People of Rome, to Divus Titus, son of...