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Theatre Parodoi, Epidaurus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Theatre Parodoi, Epidaurus

A view of the parodoi - the monumental gate entrances common to Classical theatres through which the audience entered the theatre.
Roman theatre, Gades
Image by Rafael

Roman theatre, Gades

The remains of the 1st century BCE Roman theatre of Gades (Cadiz, Spain).
Theories of Aristarchus
Image by Konstable

Theories of Aristarchus

10th century CE Greek copy of Aristarchus of Samos's calculations of the relative sizes of the sun, moon and the earth.
The Titan Oceanus
Image by Mary Harrsch

The Titan Oceanus

A representation of the Titan Oceanus, a figure from Greek mythology who was a personification of the river or ocean which encircled the world and was the source of all other rivers. With the Titan Tethys, he was the father of the Oceanids...
Plan of Mycenae
Image by (used with permission)

Plan of Mycenae

A plan of the acropolis of Mycenae, 1500-1200 BCE. Fortification walls are indicated in brown.
Acropolis Plan,  Athens
Image by (used with permission)

Acropolis Plan, Athens

A plan of the acropolis of Athens. Occupied from Mycenaean times, the monuments visible today largely date from the 5th century BCE.
Temple of Saturn, Rome
Image by Elias Rovielo

Temple of Saturn, Rome

The Temple of Saturn in Rome which was the location of the Roman state treasury. This was supervised by the quaestors during the Roman Republic.
Umayyad Arcades, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

Umayyad Arcades, Anjar

The arcades of Anjar (8th century CE) in modern Lebanon are a typical feature of Umayyad architecture.
General View, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

General View, Anjar

A general view of Anjar (8th century CE) which illustrates the plan of the city, clearly showing the rationality of Umayyad town planning. The organic medieval cities that were eventually to house the Palace, Mosque, Souq, and private residential...
Arch, Anjar
Image by Fatema AlSulaiti

Arch, Anjar

An arch from the ruins of Anjar (8th century CE) in modern Lebanon. The structure recalls Roman architectural archways.