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Titus Bust, Vatican Museums
Image by Mark Cartwright

Titus Bust, Vatican Museums

A 1st century bust of Roman emperor Titus, reign 79-81 CE. (The Vatican Museums, Rome).
De Treurdagen
Image by Jan Voerman

De Treurdagen

An oil painting of Orthodox Jews wearing Tallit studying the Holy Scriptures.
Gorgon, Temple of Artemis, Corcyra
Image by Dr. K.

Gorgon, Temple of Artemis, Corcyra

A detail of the west pediment of the Temple of Artemis (c. 580 BCE), Corcyra. The central figure is the Gorgon Medusa who was to be slain by Perseus. She is here depicted in her role as Mistress of Animals and is flanked by leopards. The...
Fibula and key.
Image by Filip Maes

Fibula and key.

Roman aucissa derivative brooch and a simple key with a single tooth. Possibly 1st century CE. Provenance: unknown. (Private collection).
Piraeus & The Long Walls
Image by Dept. of History, US Military Academy

Piraeus & The Long Walls

An illustration of the Long Walls fortifications which connected the city of Athens to its port of Piraeus from the 5th century BCE.
Image by Walters Art Museum


A Roman gold medallion depicting Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great. Early 3rd century CE. (Walters Art Museum).
Athenian Hoplites
Image by The Creative Assembly

Athenian Hoplites

A 3D representation of Athenian hoplites in battle. The Gorgon device on the central figure's shield was a typical feature of Greek shield design. In Greek mythology the stare of the Gorgon Medusa was said to turn people to stone.
Trajan Bust, Vatican Museums
Image by Mark Cartwright

Trajan Bust, Vatican Museums

A bust of Roman emperor Trajan (r. 98-117 CE). The portrait is idealised and was produced in the reign of his successor Hadrian in 117 CE. Provenance: Ostia. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Roman Bacchus Floor Mosaic
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Bacchus Floor Mosaic

A 3rd century CE Roman floor mosaic depicting Bacchus, god of wine. From via Flaminia, Rome. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome).
Penthesilea & Achilles
Image by Mark Cartwright

Penthesilea & Achilles

A detail from a 3rd century CE Roman sarcophagus showing the amazon Penthesilea and the Greek hero Achilles in a scene from the Trojan War. Achilles was said to have fallen in love with the amazon at the very moment he killed her with his...