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Roman Victory Procession
Image by The Creative Assembly

Roman Victory Procession

Artist's impression of a victory procession. This 3D render nicely displays how Roman soldiers have looked, and how their victories were celebrated.
Carthage and its Harbour
Image by The Creative Assembly

Carthage and its Harbour

This is a 3D rendition of what Carthage might have looked like at the height of its power. In the foreground you can see the Cothon, the city's famous military harbour.
Ancient Naval Battle
Image by The Creative Assembly

Ancient Naval Battle

This is a 3D rendition of how an ancient ship ramming an enemy vessel may have looked.
Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen


A 5th century BCE marble figure of a Spartan hoplite, perhaps of Leonidas in memory of his sacrifice at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Sparta, Greece).
Roman Shop Fronts, Ostia
Image by Robert H.Consoli

Roman Shop Fronts, Ostia

A row of shop fronts (botteghe) on via dei Balconi, in the Roman port town of Ostia, late 1st-early 2nd century CE.
Horrea Epagathiana, Ostia
Image by Robert H.Consoli

Horrea Epagathiana, Ostia

The main entrance of the 2nd century CE Horrea Epagathiana, Ostia. Horrea were used to store huge quantities of foodstuffs such as grain, however, the large number of locks found at the site suggest this particular building was used to store...
Image by MM (modified by R.Consoli)


A map of Ostia Antica, the ancient port of Rome, at the mouth of the Tiber River.
Attic Column-Krater
Image by Peter Roan

Attic Column-Krater

An Attic column-krater, 470-460 BCE, depicting Jason about to take the Golden Fleece (left side). (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attic Calyx-Krater
Image by Dan Diffendale

Attic Calyx-Krater

A black-figure Calyx-Krater from Attica, c. 530 BCE. The scene is probably the battle over Partoklos' body during the Trojan War. The figures wear the full hoplite panoply. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)
Corinthian Alabastron Vase
Image by Mary Harrsch (Photographed at the Getty Villa, Malibu)

Corinthian Alabastron Vase

A Corinthian alabastron vase depicting two lions and an owl, 595-500 BCE. These vessels were used for storing perfumes and fine oils. (Getty Villa, Malibu)