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Plan of the Baths of Caracalla
Image by B. Fletcher

Plan of the Baths of Caracalla

The floor plan of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. Completed in c. 235 CE.
Frigidarium Mosaic Flooring
Image by Mark Cartwright

Frigidarium Mosaic Flooring

The mosaic flooring (in situ) of the frigidarium of the Baths of Caracalla, Rome. Completed c. 235 CE.
Natatio, Baths of Caracalla
Image by Mark Cartwright

Natatio, Baths of Caracalla

The natatio or swimming pool (Olympic size) of the Baths of Caracalla, Rome, completed c. 235 CE.
Baths of Caracalla
Image by Mark Cartwright

Baths of Caracalla

The Roman baths complex in the south of Rome known as the Baths of Caracalla were probably commissioned by Septimius Severus but were opened by his son Caracalla in 216 CE and finished c. 235 CE. They are one of the best preserved bath complexes...
Gilded Bronze Hercules
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gilded Bronze Hercules

A colossal gilded bronze statue of Hercules, 2.41 m high. 2nd century BCE. (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
Constantine I Colossus
Image by Mark Cartwright

Constantine I Colossus

The head, hand and sphere (symbol of power) from the colossal bronze statue of Constantine I, 4th century CE. The head alone is 1.77 m high. (Capitoline Museums, Rome).
Skull with Trephination
Image by Jmh649

Skull with Trephination

A Neolithic (3500 BCE) skull showing evidence of a trephination operation - the removal of a part of the cranium to relieve pressure, used as a medical treatment for a variety of ailments from migraines to mental illness. The treatment was...
Image by Mark Cartwright


Bust of the Greek philosopher Plato, mid-1st century CE copy from a 4th century BCE original statue by Silanion. (Vatican Museums, Rome).
Greek Peplos Dress
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Peplos Dress

A Roman period statue of possibly Kore-Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. The head in fact is restored after a head of Apollo. She is sculpted in the style of 5th century BCE Greek statues and is wearing a peplum, a common type of Greek...
Wounded Amazon
Image by Mark Cartwright

Wounded Amazon

A marble statue of a wounded Amazon. From an original by 5th century BCE Greek sculptor Phidias. Head: replica of that of the Amazon by Polykleitos. Provenance: Villa d'Este, Tivoli. (Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Rome)