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Map of Roman Buildings in Carthage
Image by Holger Behr

Map of Roman Buildings in Carthage

Rough map of modern Carthage showing remaining ruins from Punic and Roman Era.
Ancient Egyptian Brewery and Bakery
Image by Keith Schengili-Roberts

Ancient Egyptian Brewery and Bakery

A funerary model of a bakery and brewery, dating the 11th dynasty, circa 2009-1998 B.C. Painted and gessoed wood, originally from Thebes.
Bust of Julius Caesar
Image by Tataryn77

Bust of Julius Caesar

The "Tusculum portrait", one of two surviving busts of Julius Caesar made during his lifetime.
Map of Roman Britain, 150 AD
Image by Andrei nacu

Map of Roman Britain, 150 AD

Map of Roman Britain ca. 150 AD, showing the main Roman roads, cities, and Brythonic tribes.
Map of Sogdiana, ca. 300 BCE
Image by Cp

Map of Sogdiana, ca. 300 BCE

Map of Sogdiana ca. 300 BCE. (Alternate names: Sughd, Sugdiane, Sughuda, Sute)
Map of the Successor Kingdoms, c. 303 BCE
Image by Javierfv1212

Map of the Successor Kingdoms, c. 303 BCE

Map of the Diadochi successor kingdoms to Alexander the Great's empire, before the Battle of Ipsus (301 BCE).
Avenue of the Sphinxes, Thebes
Image by sdhaddow

Avenue of the Sphinxes, Thebes

The Avenue of the Sphinxes is a 3km ancient processional route that once linked Luxor temple with the Temple of Mut at Karnak to the south. The avenue and sphinxes were built during the reign of Nectanebo I (380-363 BC) who ruled during the...
The Rams of Amon
Image by Dreef

The Rams of Amon

Ram-headed sphinxes deposited in the first court in Temple of Karnak, Egypt. Before the temple was extended by the construction of the first cour and its pylon, these sphinxes were part of the original approach. When the approach avenue was...
Egyptian Royal Woman
Image by bstorage

Egyptian Royal Woman

An Egyptian Royal Woman, probably of the 18th Dynasty, possibly Nefertiti.
Library of Celsus
Image by greenp

Library of Celsus

The Library of Celsus in Ephesos (completed 117 AD), with a statue of Arete in the foreground.