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Comic Scene, Bell-krater, Paestum
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Comic Scene, Bell-krater, Paestum

A red-figure bell-krater from Paestum 360-340 BCE. In a scene from Greek comedy, Dionysos is depicted with a comic actor balancing a basket on his head. The actor is in typical costume - padded stomach, added phallus and bearded mask.
Roman Army Reenactment
Image by Hans Splinter

Roman Army Reenactment

Romans in Archeon; to the left Legio II Augusta, to the right Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix.
Half-figure tombstone of Gaius Largennius
Image by Mike Bishop

Half-figure tombstone of Gaius Largennius

Half-figure tombstone of Gaius Largennius of legio II Augusta from Strasbourg. General view of half-figure relief. Inv. Nr. 2431; Éspérandieu 5495 H: 1.48m; W: 0.655m; Th: 0.21m
Legio II Augusta Plaque
Image by Chatsam

Legio II Augusta Plaque

Modern plaque showing the Capricornus emblem of the II Augusta.
Ancient Rhodes by Frantisek Kupka
Image by Tony Hisgett

Ancient Rhodes by Frantisek Kupka

An oil painting representing the ancient city of Rhodes by Frantisek Kupka (1906 CE). Probably a realistic representation of the Colossus of Rhodes which was a gigantic bronze statue, 32 metres high, of the island's patron god Helios, the...
Tragedy Theatre Mask
Image by John Ward

Tragedy Theatre Mask

A stone version of a mask from tragedy theatre representing a king, 1st century BCE - 1st century CE. (Ashmolean museum, Oxford, U.K.).
Arch Intrados
Image by Mary Harrsch

Arch Intrados

The intrados or inner surface of the principal arch of the Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus built in 203 CE.
Image by Hazmat2


The shaded area illustrates the position of the adyton, the most sacred inner part of a temple, usually at the end of the cella furthest from the entrance, often with restricted access to the initiated or priests.
Western Deffufa Temple, Kerma
Image by Walter Callens

Western Deffufa Temple, Kerma

The mud brick temple of Western Deffufa, Kerma (modern day Sudan), Middle Kerma Period ('Kerma Moyen') c. 2050-1750 BCE equating to the 11-13 dynasties of Middle Kingdom Egypt.
Lady Sennuwy, Kerma
Image by Peter Eimon

Lady Sennuwy, Kerma

A black granite statue of Lady Sennuwy, the wife of a powerful provincial governor, Djefaihapi of Asyut. From Kerma (Sudan), Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, reign of Senwosret I, 1971–1926 BCE.