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The Spread of Buddhism
Image by Be Zen

The Spread of Buddhism

A map illustrating the spread of Buddhism from its origins in India in the 5th century BCE with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama - the Buddha.
Magna Graecia
Image by Future Perfect At Sunrise

Magna Graecia

Magna Graecia (Megalē Hellas) refers to the coastal areas of southern Italy which were colonized by various Greek city-states from the 8th to 5th centuries BCE. Later writers such as Strabo also included Sicily and eventually the term came...
Image by Bija


An idealised bust attributed to Athenian statesman and general Alcibiades (c. 451-403 BCE). Roman copy of a 4th century BCE original (Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome).
Propylaea, Acropolis of Athens
Image by Ion Androutsopoulos

Propylaea, Acropolis of Athens

The Propylaea, monumental gateway to the acropolis of Athens. Constructed between c. 437 and 431 BCE in the age of Pericles under the supervision of architect Mnesicles.
Propylaea Plan
Image by (used with permission)

Propylaea Plan

The plan of the Propylaea, the monumental gate of the Athens acropolis, c. 437-431 BCE.
Image by B. Fletcher


The Propylaea, the monumental gate entrance to the Athens acropolis. Architect: Mnesicles, c. 437–431 BCE.
Death Mask of Tutankhamun
Image by Richard IJzermans

Death Mask of Tutankhamun

The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. The mask is made of gold, precious stones, and glass inlay, 14th century BCE. Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Cairo.
Alexander the Great [Profile View]
Image by Egisto Sani

Alexander the Great [Profile View]

A bust of Alexander the Great, 2nd-1st century BCE. Said to be from Alexandria, Egypt. (The British Museum, London).
Minaret of Saveh, Iran
Image by P & J.Grimshaw (used with permission)

Minaret of Saveh, Iran

The Minaret of the Friday Mosque, Saveh, Iran (1110 CE).
Minaret, Ali Mosque, Isfahan
Image by Bruce Allardice (used with permission)

Minaret, Ali Mosque, Isfahan

The minaret of the Ali Mosque, Isfahan, Iran. Erected during the reign of Seljuk sultan Sanjar (118-1157 CE). Decorated by two balconies. The shaft below the balconies embellished with interlocking stars in recess, altering to a diamond pattern...