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The Philippeion of Olympia
Image by Mark Cartwright

The Philippeion of Olympia

The Philippeion was erected by Philip II, King of Macedonia after the victory of Chaeroneia in 338 BCE. Originally there were 18 Ionic columns and inside were gold and ivory statues of Philip's family.
Palaestra, Olympia
Image by Mark Cartwright

Palaestra, Olympia

The Palaestra where athletes trained and lived before events (3rd century BCE). Originally, there were 72 columns in the stoas.
Gymnasion of Olympia
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gymnasion of Olympia

The Gymnasion was built in the second century BCE and was used as a training ground for the javelin, discus and running athletes.
Heraion of Olympia
Image by Mark Cartwright

Heraion of Olympia

The Archaic temple of Hera in Olympia (7th century BCE).
Nike of Paionios
Image by Mark Cartwright

Nike of Paionios

Marble statue of Nike, Olympia. Dedicated to Zeus by the Messenians and Naupaktians after their victory over Sparta in 424 BCE. Sculpted by Paionios of Mende. (Olympia Archeaological Museum, Greece).
Greek Boxing
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Boxing

A boxing scene from an attic red-figure kylix (c. 500 BCE). Olympia Archaeological Museum.
Greek Chariot
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Chariot

A depiction of a chariot with charioteer on an attic black-figure kylix (510-500 BCE). Olympia Archaeological Museum.
Greek Foot Race
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Foot Race

Attic black-figure column crater depicting a foot race (510-500 BCE). Olympia Archaeological Museum.
Greek Pankratiast
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Pankratiast

A bronze statue of a pankratiast (2nd century BCE). The leather thongs wrapped around the fist, worn by later exponents of this viiolent mix of wrestling and boixing, can be clearly seen. (Olympia Archaeological Museum, Olympia)
Assembly of the Gods
Image by Mark Cartwright

Assembly of the Gods

A detail of the assembly of the gods from the east frieze of the Treasury of the Siphians (525 BCE), Delphi. Delphi Archaeological Museum.