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Head of the 'cow goddess' Hathor, 1417-1379 BCE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

Caracalla, Capitoline Museums
A marble bust of Roman Emperor Caracalla, 215-217 CE (Capotoline Museum, Rome)

Roman Emperor Otho
A marble representation of the Roman Emperor Otho, 69 CE. (Louvre, Paris)

Youth from Antikythera
Known as the Antikythera Ethebe, the statue is one of the very few surviving ancient Greek bronzes and is a masterpiece of Greek Classical sculpture (c. 340 BCE) The statue may represent either Hercules holding the apples of the Hesperides...

Minoan Gold Ring
An engraved gold ring from the Minoan civilization on Crete, 15-14th century BCE. The ring probably originates from Knossos and depicts the epiphany of a goddess: seated in a shrine, floating in the air and standing in a boat. The hoop is...

Palmyra, Syria
Colonnade with canal in the foreground, temple of Ba'al (1st-2nd century CE), Palmyra, Syria.

Theatre of Thugga
The stage of the Roman theatre of Thugga (Dougga), North Africa (168-169 CE)

Apedemak Temple
Lion Temple to the Nubian deity Apedemak in Musawwarat (modern-day Sudan). Apedemak was worshipped in Nubia by Meroitic peoples, and Musawwarat appears to have been its central temple. The deity had only a small influence on the Egyptian...

Minoan 'Master of the Animals' Pendant
A solid gold pendant from the Minoan civilization depicting a deity holding two birds, possibly geese (18-17th century BC). Provenance: Aegina (British Museum, London)

Great Zimbabwe
Conical Towers in Great Zimbabwe, 3D reconstruction by the Zamani Project.