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Greek and Phoenician Colonization
Image by Kelly Macquire

Greek and Phoenician Colonization

Both the ancient Greeks and Phoenicians extensively colonized vast areas of Europe, along the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts. In doing so, they spread their culture, which strongly influenced the local tribes. For the Greeks, this is...
Greco-Persian Wars
Image by Kelly Macquire

Greco-Persian Wars

The Greco-Persian Wars or Persian Wars were a series of battles in the 5th century BCE between Greece and Persia. This series of wars consisted of some famous battles; Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea which resulted in a Greek victory...
Ancient Egypt
Image by Jeff Dahl

Ancient Egypt

Map of Ancient Egypt, showing the Nile up to the fifth cataract, and major cities and sites of the Dynastic period (c. 3150 BC to 30 BC). Cairo and Jerusalem are shown as reference cities.
The Beginnings of Historic Greece
Image by William R. Shepherd

The Beginnings of Historic Greece

The Beginnings of Historic Greece. 700 - 600 B.C.
Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea
Image by MapMapster

Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea

Map showing Ancient Greek colonies on the northern coast of the Black Sea, c. 450 BC.
Babylon at the time of Hammurabi
Image by MapMaster

Babylon at the time of Hammurabi

A locator map of Hammurabi's Babylonia, showing the Babylonian territory upon his ascension in 1792 BC and upon his death in 1750 BC. The river courses and coastline are those of that time period — in general, they are not the modern rivers...
Detail of the Ishtar Gate
Image by Zunkir

Detail of the Ishtar Gate

Detail of the Ishtar-Gate : a lion, symbol of the goddess Ishtar.
Babylon at the time of the Kassites
Image by MapMaster

Babylon at the time of the Kassites

A map of the Babylonian Empire during the time of the Kassites, roughly the 13th century BC. This map shows the probable river courses and coastline at that time.
The Oriental Empires
Image by PCL Map Collection

The Oriental Empires

Map showing the Median, Lydian, Chaldean, and Egyptian empires around 600 BC.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Image by Martin Heemskerck

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

A representation of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the fabled gardens which possibly adorned the capital of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, built by its greatest king Nebuchadnezzar II (r. 605-562 BCE). A 16th century CE engraving by Dutch artist...