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Hypatia of Alexandria
Image by Elbert Hubbard

Hypatia of Alexandria

Hypatia of Alexandria (370-415), sketch by Elbert Hubbard, 1908, from his work Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Teachers.
Image by Charles William Mitchell


Hypatia by Charles William Mitchell(1854-1903)first exhibited in 1885 and inspired by the Charles Kingsley novel Hypatia. Presently on display at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.
Domus Romana
Image by JFJP

Domus Romana

A cut-away image of a typical Roman domus.
Royal Lion Hunt on Chariot
Image by Jan van der Crabben (Photographer)

Royal Lion Hunt on Chariot

Relief depicting a royal lion hunt on a chariot, Neo-Assyrian Empire, c. 645-635 BCE. The king (recognizable by his distinctive hat) rides around the arena on a chariot shooting lions with arrows. His attendants fend off a lion that is...
Greek & Phoenician Colonies
Image by Benowar et al.

Greek & Phoenician Colonies

Greek (Red) and Phoenician (Yellow) colonization between the 8th and the 6th century BC. German placenames.
The Persian Empire
Image by William R. Shepherd

The Persian Empire

The Persian Empire about 500 BC.
Venus of Milo
Image by Jastrow

Venus of Milo

So-called “Venus de Milo” (Aphrodite from Melos). Parian marble, ca. 130-100 BC? Found in Melos in 1820. On display at the Louvre, Paris. Gift of the Marquis de Rivière to Louis XVIII of France, 1821
Plowing Egyptian Farmer
Image by Zenodot Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Plowing Egyptian Farmer

Plowing farmer from the burial chamber of Sennedjem, c. 1200 BCE. "Sennedjem" plowing: (1st and 2nd column in front: "Behold"-(i+Crown), "plowing-by-Hand-(earth), in Osiris's House-Two Lands(of Egypt), col 2: "Sennedjem, ..."True of Voice")-The...
Weighing the Heart, Book of the Dead
Image by Jon Bodsworth

Weighing the Heart, Book of the Dead

Weighing of the heart scene, with Ammit, the 'Devourer of the Damned' sitting, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead of Hunefer, Egypt, 19th Dynasty. The British Museum, London.
Egyptian Cat
Image by Shadowgate

Egyptian Cat

Bronze figure of an Egyptian cat playing with one of her kittens and feeding another, Saite 26th Dynasty period (664-525 BCE). The goddess Bastet, who had a cat’s head, was one of the many gods in the polytheistic Egyptian religion and had...