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Lighthouse of Alexandria Illustration
Image by Prof. H. Thiersch

Lighthouse of Alexandria Illustration

A drawing of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as Pharos, by German archaeologist Prof. H. Thiersch (1909).
Coin of king Menander
Image by PHGCOM

Coin of king Menander

Silver coin of Euthydemid king Menander. On the obverse: Basileus Soteros Menandros (King Savior Menander) Same thing on the reverse, in kharosti, with the Goddess Athena Alkidemos
Herodotus of Halicarnassos
Image by monsieurdl

Herodotus of Halicarnassos

The statue honoring the great historian Herodotus (484-425 BCE) in Halicarnassos (modern day Bodrum, Turkey).
Pythia of the Oracle of Delphi
Image by John Collier

Pythia of the Oracle of Delphi

"Priestess of Delphi" by John Collier, 1891. A 19th century vision of how the Pythia might have looked like, and how she became intoxicated by hallucinogenic gases emerging from the floor.
Temple of Hatshepsut, Aerial View
Image by N/A

Temple of Hatshepsut, Aerial View

The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt at Deir al-Bahri, Thebes, Egypt
Winged Sphinx of Susa
Image by Jastrow

Winged Sphinx of Susa

Winged Sphinx from the palace of Darius the Great (549-486 BCE) at Susa.
Ashurbanipal as High Priest
Image by Zunkir

Ashurbanipal as High Priest

Stone stela of Ashurbanipal, the king is shown with a ritual basket of earth on his head as the royal builder for the accession of Shamash-shum-ukin and the restoration of Esagil, the sanctuary of Marduk in Babylon. Cuneiform inscription...
Plato's Republic in ancient Greek
Image by N/A

Plato's Republic in ancient Greek

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus fragment of Plato's dialogue of Republic in ancient Greek.
Plato's Republic
Image by N/A

Plato's Republic

The Latin Edition cover of Plato's dialogue of Republic, 1713
Agora of Athens
Image by Madmedea

Agora of Athens

A map of the Athenian Agora in the 5th century BCE. Key 1 Peristylar Court 2 Mint 3 Enneacrounos 4 South stoa 5 Heliaea 6 Strategeion 7 Colonos Agoraios 8 Tholos 9 Agora stone 10 Monument of the Eponymous Heroes 11 Old Bouleuterion...