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The Erechtheion, Athens
Image by Mark Cartwright

The Erechtheion, Athens

The 5th century BCE Erechtheion, the Acropolis, Athens.
Columns, Sounion Temple of Poseidon
Image by Mark Cartwright

Columns, Sounion Temple of Poseidon

The 5th century BCE Doric temple of Poseidon, Sounion, Greece.
Greek Wrestling
Image by Mark Cartwright

Greek Wrestling

A detail of a wrestling scene, c. 510 BCE from the base of a funerary kouros. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)
Griffin Fresco, Knossos, Crete
Image by Mark Cartwright

Griffin Fresco, Knossos, Crete

A detail of the griffin fresco reproduction from the throne room, palace of Knossos, Crete, (1700-1450 BCE).
Dolphin Fresco, Knossos, Crete
Image by Mark Cartwright

Dolphin Fresco, Knossos, Crete

A detail of the dolphin fresco, the Minoan palace of Knossos, Crete, (1700-1450 BCE)
Griffin Fresco, Knossos
Image by Mark Cartwright

Griffin Fresco, Knossos

The griffin fresco in situ, Minoan palace of Knossos, Crete, (1700-1450 BCE).
Minoan Bull Leaping
Image by Mark Cartwright

Minoan Bull Leaping

A fresco showing bull leaping, Minoan Knossos (Final Palatial period 1450-1400 BCE), Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete.
The Law Code of Gortyn, Crete
Image by Mark Cartwright

The Law Code of Gortyn, Crete

The lawcode from Gortyn, Crete was written in the 5th century BCE and is said to be the largest epigraphic text in ancient Greek (8 m x 1.70 m).
Minoan Snake Goddess, Knossos.
Image by Mark Cartwright

Minoan Snake Goddess, Knossos.

Faience figurine of the Minoan Snake Goddess - her dominion was over nature and fertility. New-Palace period (1600 BCE). Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete.
Minoan Double Axes
Image by Mark Cartwright

Minoan Double Axes

Gold votive double axes, New Palace period (1600-1450 BCE), Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete. The double axe, also known as 'labrys', may be the origin of the labyrinth myth of Knossos.