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Egyptian Royal Woman
Image by bstorage

Egyptian Royal Woman

An Egyptian Royal Woman, probably of the 18th Dynasty, possibly Nefertiti.
Library of Celsus
Image by greenp

Library of Celsus

The Library of Celsus in Ephesos (completed 117 AD), with a statue of Arete in the foreground.
Map of Mesopotamia, 2000-1600 BCE
Image by P L Kessler

Map of Mesopotamia, 2000-1600 BCE

A general map of Mesopotamia and its neighbouring territories which roughly covers the period from 2000-1600 BCE reveals the concentration of city states in Sumer, in the south. This is where the first true city-states arose, although...
Map of the Trojan War States, c. 1200 BCE
Image by P L Kessler

Map of the Trojan War States, c. 1200 BCE

The Bronze Age collapse at the end of the 13th century BCE saw a great many changes in the ancient world. Many second millennium states disappeared entirely, as cities were destroyed and peoples migrated. Others underwent a process of transformation...
Map of the Third Intermediate Period
Image by Jeff Dahl

Map of the Third Intermediate Period

A map showing the political divisions in ancient Egypt during the Third intermediate Period, about 730 BC. The rulers of the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties ruled simultaneously, alongside Libyan chieftains controlling most of the Delta.
Map of Roman Africa
Image by H.Kiepert

Map of Roman Africa

Nothern Africa under Roman rule. From H.Kiepert (1879), Historischer Schulatlas.
Poverty Point
Image by Maximilian Dörrbecker

Poverty Point

Map of the Poverty Point archaeological site, Louisiana.
Alexander The Great and Roxane
Image by Pietro Antonio Rotari

Alexander The Great and Roxane

Alexander The Great and Roxane (1756) by Pietro Antonio Rotari (1707–1762). Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Map of Ancient Egypt from 1742 CE
Image by Tho. Stackhouse

Map of Ancient Egypt from 1742 CE

Celarius, 1742.
Rachel Weisz as Hypatia of Alexandria
Image by Focus Features, Newmarket Films, Telecinco Cinema

Rachel Weisz as Hypatia of Alexandria

Hypatia of Alexandria, played by Rachel Weisz in the motion picture Agora (2009).