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Map of Alexander the Great's Conquests
Image by US Military Academy

Map of Alexander the Great's Conquests

A map showing the route that Alexander the Great took to conquer Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Bactria.
Bust Formerly Attributed to Scipio Africanus
Image by JarlaxleArtemis

Bust Formerly Attributed to Scipio Africanus

This bust is at the National Archeological Museum in Naples, Italy. It was excavated in the Villa dei Papirii in Herculaneum and was thought to depict Scipio Africanus the Elder. However, this hypothesis has been discarded, and the bust is...
The Temple Complex at Baalbek
Image by N/A

The Temple Complex at Baalbek

The Roman temple complex at Baalbek (once Heliopolis) in Lebanon, the Beqaa Valley region.
Gandao in Kalasha culture
Image by Dr. Muhammad Kashif Ali

Gandao in Kalasha culture

Gandao is the wooden image aimed at immortalizing the important departed souls of the Kalasha family member. Gandao is installed at cemetery. The Kalasha is sole pagan tribe of Pakistan with numerical strength of 4000 approx. The Kalasha...
The Great Bath, UK
Image by simpologist

The Great Bath, UK

Still operational Great Bath with a medieval abbey in the background in the city of Bath, UK.
Plan of the Old Baths of Pompeii
Image by Overbeck

Plan of the Old Baths of Pompeii

Plan of the Old Baths at Pompeii. Legend A — atrium B — apodyterium (room for undressing) C — frigidarium (cool bath) D — tepidarium (warm room) E — caldarium (hot bath) F — thermal chamber G — women's tepidarium H — women's apodyterium...
Meroitic Script
Image by Kwamikagami

Meroitic Script

Meroitic hieroglyphic and demotic script. Made from RK Meroitic font (free online, same font as old version) and Gentium Basic for Latin.
Siege of Tyre
Image by The Department of History, United States Military Academy

Siege of Tyre

Map of the Siege of Tyre, November 333 BC to August 332 BC.
Map of the New Kingdom of Egypt, 1450 BCE
Image by Andrei Nacu

Map of the New Kingdom of Egypt, 1450 BCE

A map showing the maximum territorial extent of the New Kingdom of Egypt, ca. 1450 BCE.