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Washington Crossing the Aleghany
Image by Daniel Huntington

Washington Crossing the Aleghany

George Washington and his guide Christopher Gist cross the Alleghany River on a raft in late December 1753; after falling overboard, Washington is saved from drowning by Gist. By Daniel Huntington, 1845.
Washington at the Battle of the Monongahela
Image by Reǵnier

Washington at the Battle of the Monongahela

George Washington (right, on horseback) rallies the British troops at the Battle of the Monongahela (9 July 1755), also known as Braddock's Defeat, during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). Originally named Washington the Soldier, oil...
Colonel George Washington in the Uniform of the Virginia Regiment
Image by Charles Willson Peale

Colonel George Washington in the Uniform of the Virginia Regiment

Colonel George Washington in the uniform of the Virginia Regiment, oil on canvas portrait by Charles Willson Peale, 1772. Washington and Lee University.
Saint Paul
Image by AngMoKio

Saint Paul

Statue of Saint Paul by Adamo Tadolini, in front of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican.
Triumph of Orthodoxy
Image by British Museum

Triumph of Orthodoxy

Late Byzantine icon, egg tempera with gold leaf on wood, c. 1400. The icon shows the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the restoration of images in 843 after the period of Iconoclasm (or Iconomachy), characterized by the controversy between the...
Middle Byzantine Medallion with the Virgin
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Middle Byzantine Medallion with the Virgin

Byzantine medallion with the Virgin from an icon frame, gold, silver, and enamel worked in cloisonné, c. 1100. The medallion was originally one of twelve that once surrounded an icon of the archangel Gabriel. Metropolitan Museum of...
Rock Inscription Written in Brahmi Script
Image by Malyka

Rock Inscription Written in Brahmi Script

Rock inscription written in Brahmi Script, Gandhara, 5th-7th century. Islamabad Museum, Pakistan.
Roman Stucco Medallion Depicting Two Female Figures
Image by Laura Kate C. McCormack

Roman Stucco Medallion Depicting Two Female Figures

A Roman stucco medallion depicting two female figures, from Torre de la Cruz/Xauxelles (Villajoyosa), Alicante, Spain, 3rd-4th century. Museo Arqueologico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ), Spain.
Image by Laura Kate C. McCormack


Unguentaria, found in La Alcudia, Elche, Spain, dated to c. 25 BCE to 50 CE. An unguentarium is a container with a long neck and a rounded body, which was used to hold ointments, perfumes, or cosmetic lotions. Unguentaria were also used as...
Apostle Paul
Image by Rembrandt

Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul, oil on canvas by Rembrandt, c. 1633. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.