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Charge of the Dragoons at Fallen Timbers
Image by R. F. Zogbaum

Charge of the Dragoons at Fallen Timbers

Charge of the US dragoons at the Battle of Fallen Timbers (20 August 1794). By R. F. Zogbaum, 1895.
Anthony Wayne
Image by Edward Savage

Anthony Wayne

Anthony Wayne, oil on canvas portrait by Edward Savage, c. 1795. New York Historical Society.
Engraved Ring Depicting Ptolemy VI
Image by Marie-Lan Nguyen

Engraved Ring Depicting Ptolemy VI

Engraved gold ring from Egypt, 3rd or 2nd century BCE. Louvre Museum, Paris.
Whiskey Rebellion
Image by Attributed to Frederick Kemmelmeyer

Whiskey Rebellion

Washington Reviewing the Western Army at Fort Cumberland, Maryland, before their march to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion. Oil on canvas painting attributed to Frederick Kemmelmeyer, c. 1795. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Henry Lee III
Image by William Edward West, after Gilbert Stuart

Henry Lee III

Portrait of Henry Lee III, better known as 'Light-horse Harry' Lee, cavalry officer of the Continental Army, ninth Governor of Virginia, and father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Oil on canvas painting by William Edward West, c. 1838...
Portrait of Horatio Gates
Image by James Peale, after Charles Willson Peale

Portrait of Horatio Gates

Portrait of Horatio Gates, oil on canvas by James Peale, after an original by Charles Willson Peale, c. 1782. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Henry Knox
Image by Gilbert Stuart

Henry Knox

Henry Knox, portrait by Gilbert Stuart, 1806. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts.
Portrait of Henry Knox
Image by Charles Willson Peale

Portrait of Henry Knox

Henry Knox around the end of the American Revolutionary War, c. 1784, oil on canvas portrait by Charles Willson Peale. Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Duck Preparing Scene, Egypt
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Duck Preparing Scene, Egypt

Men preparing ducks for cooking or preserving, wall painting from the tomb of Nakht, Thebes, Egypt, c. 1550-1295 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Preserved Baskets of Spices, Ancient Egypt
Image by Museo Egizio

Preserved Baskets of Spices, Ancient Egypt

Baskets of spices and condiments, including tarragon, cumin and lard, from the tomb of Kha, Deir el-Medina, Egypt, c. 1425-1353 BCE. Museo Egizio, Turin.