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Greek Philosophers
Image by Amplitude Studios

Greek Philosophers

Artist's impression of ancient Greek philosophers discussing ideas. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.
Gladiatorial Combat in Ancient Rome
Image by Amplitude Studios

Gladiatorial Combat in Ancient Rome

Artist's impression of what gladiatorial combat in ancient Rome may have looked like. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.
The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

A map illustrating the scope and geopolitical context of the Sepoy Mutiny (from Persian sepāhī, for soldier) of 1857 in India. Originating in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the mutiny soon escalated from a revolt of the East India Company's...
Golden Apple of Discord
Image by Jacob Jordaens

Golden Apple of Discord

The wedding of Thetis and Peleus - Golden Apple of Discord by Jacob Jordaens, after Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1633. Museo del Prado, Madrid
Image by Berlin Antikensammlung


Eris depicted on an Attic black-figure kylix, 575-525 BCE. Altes Museum, Berlin.
Eris at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Image by Jean Miélot

Eris at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis

Discordia (Eris, the goddess of the twist) throws a golden apple for the goddesses present to disturb the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, miniature in Jean Miélot's adaptation of Christine de Pisan, L'Epître d'Othéa (Ms. 9392, fol. 63v.), c...
Prison Guards Taunting the Black Hole of Calcutta Prisoners
Image by Unknown Artist

Prison Guards Taunting the Black Hole of Calcutta Prisoners

An early 20th-century illustration showing guards taunting the inmates of the Black Hole of Calcutta. Following the capture of the East India Company's Fort William in June 1756, a number of soldiers and civilians were kept in this small...
Memorial Plaque to the Victims of the Black Hole of Calcutta
Image by Mathew Sheffield

Memorial Plaque to the Victims of the Black Hole of Calcutta

The memorial plaque from the 1902 monument commemorating the victims of the Black Hole of Calcutta incident in 1756. St John's Churchyard, Kolkata, India.
Nobles in Aksum
Image by Amplitude Studios

Nobles in Aksum

Artist's impression of a noble couple at a palace in Aksum. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.
Greek Bireme on an Etruscan Water Jar
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Greek Bireme on an Etruscan Water Jar

Black-figure hydria from Vulci, Etruria, attributed to the Micali Painter, c. 510-500 BCE. The British Museum, London This Italiote reproduction of the Greek naval invasion of Troy based on the Iliad is shaped around a bireme...