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Restored SS Great Britain
Image by Mattbuck

Restored SS Great Britain

The restored steamship SS Great Britain in Bristol, England. It was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859). The ship sailed on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York in May 1845.
Model of SS Great Britain
Image by Science Museum, London

Model of SS Great Britain

A model of the steamship SS Great Britain designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859). The ship sailed on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York in May 1845. Model made by Thomas Richard Guppy. (Science Museum, London)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Image by Robert Howlett

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

An 1857 photograph by Robert Howlett of the engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), one of the key figures of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Brunel is standing in front of the restraining chains used in the launch of his giant...
SS Great Britain Run Aground
Image by Unknown Artist

SS Great Britain Run Aground

A painting showing the steamship SS Great Britain designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) after it ran aground in Dundrum Bay in Ireland in 1846. (Science and Society Picture Library)
Launch of SS Great Britain
Image by

Launch of SS Great Britain

A painting from an 1846 engraving by Thomas Ashburton Picken showing the launch of the steamship SS Great Britain designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859). The ship sailed on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York in May 1845...
The Twelve Labours of Herakles
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Twelve Labours of Herakles

A map illustrating the Twelve Labours of Herakles (Heracles, romanized as Hercules), probably the most famous of the ancient heroes in Greek mythology. Born as a demi-god (son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene,) Herakles was tricked out of his...
Hippomenes and Atalanta by Guido Reni
Image by Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid

Hippomenes and Atalanta by Guido Reni

A 1615-18 oil painting, Hippomenes and Atalanta, by Guido Reni (1575-1642). Shown as part of the exhibition GUIDO RENI. The Divine at The Städel Museum in Frankfurt, Germany (2022-23). (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid)
Horatius Reads before Maecenas
Image by Fyodor Bronnikov

Horatius Reads before Maecenas

Horatius reads before Maecenas, painting by Fyodor Bronnikov, 1863. Odesa Art Museum.
Medea Before the Infanticide
Image by Carole Raddato

Medea Before the Infanticide

Wall painting depicting Medea just before murdering her children. Discovered in the peristyle of the House of the Dioscuri in Pompeii. 1st century CE. Naples National Archaeological Museum, Italy.
Roman Theatre of Thubursicum, Algeria
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Theatre of Thubursicum, Algeria

The Roman theatre of Thubursicum Numidarum (modern Khamissa in Algeria) was built on a natural slope in the 2nd or 3rd century CE. It is considered one of the most beautiful and best-preserved ancient theatres in North Africa.