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Map of the East Coast from the River Thames to Edinburgh
Image by Antiqua Print Gallery/Alamy

Map of the East Coast from the River Thames to Edinburgh

Map of the East Coast from the River Thames to Edinburgh, from Great Britain's Coasting Pilot,ink on paper by Greenville Collins, c. 1682-1694. Probably drafted in 1682 but not published until 1693, this chart is the first to show with accuracy...
Captain Christopher Gunman
Image by Doddington Hall and Gardens

Captain Christopher Gunman

Captain Christopher Gunman, oil on canvas, by an unknown artist, c. 1670–5. Gunman's right hand rests on the muzzle of a cannon, establishing him as the captain of a man-of-war. The loss of his left hand is discreetly hidden by his sleeve...
Admiral Sir John Berry
Image by Philip Mould Ltd.

Admiral Sir John Berry

Portrait of Admiral Sir John Berry, oil on canvas, Michael Dahl, c. 1689, painted a few years after the sinking of the Gloucester, by which time Sir John Berry had been made vice admiral of the red squadron. The ship in the background flying...
James, Duke of York
Image by National Maritime Museum

James, Duke of York

A c. 1672 painting by Henri Gascar of James, Duke of York, (1633-1701). James is shown in characteristic martial pose - specifically the Roman god of war Mars - and drawing on classical imagery. James served as Lord High Admiral, hence the...
Samuel Pepys
Image by National Maritime Museum

Samuel Pepys

Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), oil on canvas by Godfrey Kneller, 1689, a superb portrait that reveals both the truculence and intelligence of Samuel Pepys. His life-long friend, William Hewer, also had his portrait done by Sir Godfrey Kneller...
The Wreck of the 'Gloucester' off Yarmouth, 6 May 1682
Image by National Maritime Museum

The Wreck of the 'Gloucester' off Yarmouth, 6 May 1682

The Wreck of the 'Gloucester' off Yarmouth, 6 May 1682, oil on canvas, by Johan Danckerts, c. 1682. The painting shows James in the stern of a small boat being rowed away from the sinking Gloucester, while red-coated soldiers take an axe...
Remnants of an Army by Thompson
Image by Tate Britain

Remnants of an Army by Thompson

An 1879 painting titled 'Remnants of an Army' by Elizabeth Thomson showing Dr William Brydon, the sole European survivor of the Retreat from Kabul in 1842 during the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838-42). (Tate Britain)
Éléonore Duplay
Image by Unknown, possibly Éléonore Duplay

Éléonore Duplay

Portrait of Éléonore Duplay (1768-1832) eldest daughter of cabinetmaker and Jacobin supporter Maurice Duplay. In 1791, French revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre began lodging with the Duplays, and there were rumors that he and Éléonore...
Terracotta Bust of Robespierre, 1791
Image by Claude André Deseine

Terracotta Bust of Robespierre, 1791

A terracotta bust of French revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794), by French sculptor Claude André Deseine, 1791. Currently in the Museum of the French Revolution since 1986. Photo credits to Wikipedia user Rama.
The Sassanid Empire c. 620 CE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Sassanid Empire c. 620 CE

A map illustrating the rise and expansion of the Sassanid Empire (also known as Erānshahr, "the Domain of the Iranians/Aryans" or Neo-Persian Empire.) Named after the House of Sasan, it was the longest-lived Persian imperial dynasty, enduring...