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Execution of the Robespierrists, 28 July 1794
Image by Bibliothèque nationale de France

Execution of the Robespierrists, 28 July 1794

Execution of Maximilien Robespierre and his allies including Louis-Antoine Saint-Just, Georges Couthon, Augustin Robespierre, and Francois Hanriot on 28 July 1794, considered to be the end of the Reign of Terror. Couthon is being beheaded...
Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Image by Tojo Museum of History

Tokugawa Yoshinobu

Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last shogun of Japan in Osaka, 1867. Tojo Museum of History, Matsudo.
Sakuradamon Incident
Image by Unknown Artist

Sakuradamon Incident

Sakuradamon Incident, 1860, by an unknown Japanese artist.
Maharaja Holkar of Indore
Image by Samuel Bourne

Maharaja Holkar of Indore

A photograph taken in 1877 by Samuel Bourne of Tukojirao II (r. 1884-1886), Maharaja Holkar of Indore, one of the Indian princely states.
Derawar Fort
Image by Rohaan Bhatti

Derawar Fort

Derawar Fort, Punjab, Pakistan. The fort was first built in the 9th century and used by successive rulers including the nawabs of Bahawalpur, one of the Indian princely states.
Maharaja Bhupendra Singh
Image by Historian of Punjab

Maharaja Bhupendra Singh

A colourised 1911 photograph of Maharaja Bhupendra Singh of Patiala (r. 1900-1938), one of the Indian princely states.
Lake Palace, Udaipur
Image by Benoy Thapa

Lake Palace, Udaipur

The Lake Palace of Udaipur, India. Built in the mid-18th century as a summer palace of the Mewar dynasty which ruled Udaipur, one of the Indian princely states.
Delhi Durbar 1911
Image by Unknown Photographer

Delhi Durbar 1911

A photograph showing the royal platform and parading troops during the Delhi Durbar of December 1911. The durbar was held as an opportunity for rulers of Indian princely states to pay homage to the British Crown, in this case, represented...
Destruction of the French Fleet at Toulon
Image by Thomas Whitcombe

Destruction of the French Fleet at Toulon

Destruction of the French Fleet at Toulon 18th December 1793, painting by Thomas Whitcombe, 1816. Following the French victory in the Siege of Toulon, the British evacuated the city, but not before destroying the captured ships of the French...
Fouché Executing Federalist Prisoners in Lyon By Cannon
Image by Auguste Raffet

Fouché Executing Federalist Prisoners in Lyon By Cannon

Engraving depicting the mass executions of Federalist rebels by cannon at point blank range, following the Siege of Lyon, August-October 1793. Engraving by Auguste Raffet, 1834.