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Portrait of Georges Danton, 1790
Portrait of French revolutionary leader Georges Danton (1759-1794), c. 1790, oil on canvas by an anonymous painter.
Musée Carnavalet, Paris.

Bailly on His Way to the Guillotine
Jean Sylvain Bailly, former mayor of Paris, being led to his execution by guillotine on 11 November 1793, primarily for his role in the Champ de Mars Massacre. This illsutration is by an unknown author from the 19th century.

Lafayette Fires on the Cordeliers Club
Marquis de Lafayette, seated upon a white charger, orders his soldiers to fire on the demonstrators gathered on the Champ de Mars to petition for the removal of the king, under the leadership of the radical Cordeliers Club. Work by Ary Scheffer...

Champ de Mars Massacre
The Champ de Mars Massacre on 17 July 1791. The caption reads: "Men, women, children massacred on the altar of the fatherland at the Champ de la Federation".
Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Lamia and the Soldier
Lamia and the Soldier (1905) by John William Waterhouse, Inspired by John Keat's Lamia.

Black-figure Lekythos Attributed to the Beldam Painter
Black-figure lekythos attributed to the Beldam Painter and thought to depict Lamia being tortured by five satyrs.

The Kiss of the Enchantress
The Kiss of the Enchantress by Isobel Lilian Gloag (c. 1890), inspired by Keats's Lamia, depicts Lamia as half-serpent, half-woman.

Maelgwn Gwynedd
Maelgwn Gwynedd (Maglocunus) depicted in a 15th-century Welsh manuscript of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. Peniarth MS 23, f 96 v.
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Saint Anselm of Canterbury
St Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033-1109), as depicted in a stained glass window in Chester Cathedral, England, 1916.

Statue of Condorcet
Statue of Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794) by Pierre Loison, 1857.
Louvre, Cour Napoleon courtyard.