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French Civilians & British Military Policeman, D-Day
Image by James Mapham - Imperial War Museums

French Civilians & British Military Policeman, D-Day

French civilians and a British military policeman in La Brèche d'Hermanville behind Sword Beach on D-Day, 6 June 1944. (Imperial War Museums)
Emperor Humayun
Image by Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Emperor Humayun

Mughal Emperor Humayun (r. 1530-1540/1555-1556), son of Emperor Babur, father of Emperor Akbar, miniature painting, opaque watercolor and gold on ivory, India, Delhi, c. 1875. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Hercules and Geras, the Personification of Old Age
Image by Jastrow

Hercules and Geras, the Personification of Old Age

Hercules and Geras, son of Nyx and the personification of old age. Detail from an Attic red-figure pelike attributed to the Geras Painter, c. 480-470 BCE. Louvre, Paris.
Parachute Memorial, Church of Ste-Mère-Église
Image by Elliesram13

Parachute Memorial, Church of Ste-Mère-Église

The parachute memorial on the church of Ste-Mère-Église. The town was the first to be liberated in France, taken by U.S. paratroopers on D-Day 6 June 1944 during the Normandy Landings of WWII.
French Tank Units, Normandy
Image by imperial War Museums

French Tank Units, Normandy

A photograph showing Sherman tanks belonging to a French armoured unit after landing at Utah Beach in August 1944 during the Normandy Landings of WWII. (Imperial War Museums)
Landing Craft, Utah Beach
Image by Godwin David Frederick - Imperial War Museums

Landing Craft, Utah Beach

A photograph showing landing craft heading to Utah Beach on D-Day 6 June 1944 during the Normandy Landings of WWII. (Imperial War Museums)
Marble Statue of an Old Woman
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Marble Statue of an Old Woman

Roman sculpture of an elderly woman, c. 14-68 CE, a copy of a 2nd-century BCE Hellenistic original. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Breaching the Sea Wall, Utah Beach
Image by Imperial War Museums

Breaching the Sea Wall, Utah Beach

A photograph showing U.S. troops (7th Corps) breaching the sea wall at Utah Beach during the D-Day Normandy Landings of 6 June 1944. (Imperial War Museums)
Forward Observation Post, Pointe du Hoc
Image by Myrabella

Forward Observation Post, Pointe du Hoc

The forward observation post belonging to the German gun battery at Pointe du Hoc, located between Utah Beach and Omaha Beach during the D-Day Normandy Landings of 6 June 1944.
Infantry Landing, Utah Beach
Image by Imperial War Museums

Infantry Landing, Utah Beach

A photograph of U.S. infantry troops (U.S. 7th Corps) landing at Utah Beach on D-Day 6 June 1944 during the Normandy Landings of WWII. (Imperial War Museums)