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Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle Diagram
Image by Paolo Anghileri

Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle Diagram

Diagram of Empedocles' cosmic cycle showing the relationship between love and strife in the operation of the universe.
Image by Thomas Stanley


Image of the Greek Pre-Socratic Philosopher Empedocles from The History of Philosophy by Sir Thomas Stanley, 1655.
Chrysippus and Zeuxo
Image by Brygos Painter

Chrysippus and Zeuxo

Zeuxo pours wine to Chrysippos on an Attic red-figured kylix by the Brygos painter, from the Brygos Tomb in Capua, c. 490-480 BCE. The British Museum, London.
Charles I Insulted by Cromwell's Soldiers
Image by Paul Delaroche

Charles I Insulted by Cromwell's Soldiers

A 19th-century painting by Paul Delaroche titled "Charles I Insulted by Cromwell's Soldiers". Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) was handed over to the Parliamentarians led by Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) in 1648 during the English Civil...
First Plague of Egypt
Image by James Tissot

First Plague of Egypt

Water is Changed into Blood, the first of the ten plagues of Egypt, watercolor by James Tissot, before 1903.
Tiryns Gold Signet Ring
Image by Zde

Tiryns Gold Signet Ring

Engraved gold signet ring from Tiryns, c. 15th century BCE. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. The largest ring (7.5 × 3.5 cm) handed down to us from the Mycenaean civilization, the Tiryns signet ring flags up the strong...
Image by Guillaume Rouillé


Pelops, mythical king of Pisa and namesake of the Peloponnese. From the Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum (Handbook of the Images of the Renowned), an iconography book by Guillaume Rouillé, 1553.
Celtic-Viking penannular brooch
Image by British Museum

Celtic-Viking penannular brooch

Found in Ireland, dated to 9th-10th century. Saltire crosses and five collared bosses on each terminal, with interlaced animals and billeted border. Circles and triquetras on the back.
Holy Cross Cathedral, Uzhhorod
Image by Ekaterina Polischuk

Holy Cross Cathedral, Uzhhorod

The Holy Cross Cathedral is the main Greek Catholic church of Uzhhorod, Ukraine and is the residence of the Mukachevo bishops. The cathedral was founded in 1640. The exterior of the cathedral is done in the neoclassical style.
The Sovereign of the Seas
Image by John Payne

The Sovereign of the Seas

A 17th-century hand-coloured engraving by John Payne of The Sovereign of the Seas, a ship built in 1637 during the reign of Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649). The ship was built using money from the controversial Ship Money tax. (National...