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Poor Clares
Image by Gunnar Bach Pedersen

Poor Clares

Fresco of Saint Clare and nuns of her order. Chapel of San Damiano, Assisi.
Richard Hingely
Image by Richard Hingley

Richard Hingely

Image of Richard Hingley, the author of Conquering the Ocean: The Roman Invasion of Britain.
Marie Antoinette and her Children
Image by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun

Marie Antoinette and her Children

Painting depicting Queen Marie Antoinette and her three children. On the far right the Dauphin, Louis Joseph, points to an empty crib where Marie Antoinette's fourth child, Princess Sophie, had to be painted out after she died in infancy...
Marie Antoinette in 1791/1792
Image by Alexander Kucharsky

Marie Antoinette in 1791/1792

Portrait of Marie Antoinette, painted by Alexander Kucharsky in 1791 or 1792, while she was a virtual prisoner in the Tuileries Palace. Only 36 or 37, Marie Antoinette's hair had been turned white prematurely after the failed Flight to Varennes...
Marie Antoinette in 1775
Image by Jean-Baptiste André Gautier-Dagoty

Marie Antoinette in 1775

Portrait of Marie Antoinette, oil on canvas painting by Jean-Baptiste André Gautier-Dagoty, 1775. Palace of Versailles.
Rus Attack on Constantinople
Image by Unknown Artist

Rus Attack on Constantinople

Rus army at the walls of Constantinople, miniature from Radziwiłł Chronicle (aka Königsberg Chronicle) fol 14v, early 13th century. Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
Varangian Trade Routes
Image by Briangotts

Varangian Trade Routes

Map showing Varangian trade routes. Red: Volga trade route Purple: trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks Orange: Other trade routes of the 8th-11th centuries
Guests from Overseas
Image by Nicholas Roerich

Guests from Overseas

Guests from Overseas, oil on canvas painting from the series Beginnings of the Rus by Nicholas Roerich, 1901. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
Spring Flowers by Monet
Image by Cleveland Museum of Art

Spring Flowers by Monet

An 1864 oil on canvas still life, Spring Flowers, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), the French impressionist painter. Painted while Monet was studying at Gleyre's Academy in Paris, the work shows his mastery of traditional painting techniques...
Garden at Sainte-Adresse by Monet
Image by

Garden at Sainte-Adresse by Monet

An 1867 oil on canvas painting, Garden at Sainte-Adresse, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), the French impressionist painter. This was a fashionable resort on the northern coast of France near Le Havre. The three bands of terrace, sea, and sky...