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Luke Roberts as Woodes Rogers
Image by Starz

Luke Roberts as Woodes Rogers

Luke Roberts as Woodes Rogers in the TV series Black Sails. Rogers (l. 1679-1732) was a former privateer and navigator who served twice as the governor of the Bahamas. He was charged with stamping out piracy in the area and particularly the...
Idun and the Apples of Eternal Youth
Image by J. Doyle Penrose

Idun and the Apples of Eternal Youth

Idun and the Apples, oil on canvas by J. Doyle Penrose, 1890. Private collection. Idunn was a Norse goddess who was a guardian of the fruit (usually given as apples) that kept the gods of Asgard eternally young. For this reason, she was...
Giant Thiassi Kidnapping Idunn
Image by Harry George Theaker

Giant Thiassi Kidnapping Idunn

An illustration portraying the Norse goddess of fertility Idunn being kidnapped by the giant Thiassi. Idunn was a guardian of the fruit (usually given as apples) that kept the gods of Asgard eternally young. Due to its rejuvenating properties...
Valkyrie and a Dying Hero
Image by Hans Makart

Valkyrie and a Dying Hero

A painting portraying a Valkyrie taking care of a dying warrior. Valkyries were key figures in various Norse sagas such as Prose Edda, the Heimskringla and the Njáls Saga. They were maidens whose role was to participate in battles and to...
Valkyrie Riding to Battle
Image by Disney/Marvel

Valkyrie Riding to Battle

Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie in a modern interpretation of Norse mythology as portrayed in the movie Thor Ragnarok (2017). Valkyries were maidens whose role was to participate in battles and to decide which warriors should die in battle. They...
Tessa Thompson as a Valkyrie
Image by Disney/Marvel

Tessa Thompson as a Valkyrie

Tessa Thompson as a Valkyrie in a modern interpretation of Norse mythology as portrayed in the movie Thor Ragnarok (2017). Valkyries were key figures in various Norse sagas such as Prose Edda, the Heimskringla and the Njáls Saga. They were...
Valkyrie by Edward Robert Hughes
Image by Edward Robert Hughes

Valkyrie by Edward Robert Hughes

A painting titled Valkyrie's Vigil created by the painter Edward Robert Hughes before 1915. Valkyries were key figures in various Norse sagas that were present in Prose Edda, the Heimskringla and the Njáls Saga. They were maidens whose role...
Valhalla by Max Brückner
Image by Max Brückner

Valhalla by Max Brückner

Artist imagination of Valhalla, Odin's hall of fallen warriors (Einherjar). Unlike Hel that was a rather gloomy and dark place, Valhalla was a blissful after-life location. Here souls were looked after by Valkyries who served them mead...
Woodes Rogers, Governor of the Bahamas
Image by William Hogarth

Woodes Rogers, Governor of the Bahamas

A 1729 oil painting by William Hogarth showing Woodes Rogers (seated), 1679-1732, and his family. Rogers was a former privateer, navigator and writer who was appointed Governor of the Bahamas in 1718. He was instrumental in stamping out piracy...
Patrick Lyster as Benjamin Hornigold
Image by Starz

Patrick Lyster as Benjamin Hornigold

Patrick Lyster as the English pirate Captain Benjamin Hornigold (d. 1719) in the TV series Black Sails. © 2014 Starz