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Hauz-e-Shamsi Pavilion
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Hauz-e-Shamsi Pavilion

Hauz-e-Shamsi pavilion. The original structure was built in 1230, however, the square-shaped and rectangular pavilions are later additions. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Mehrauli Archaelogical Park
Image by Ronit Bhattacharjee

Mehrauli Archaelogical Park

Tomb platform at Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Balban's Tomb
Image by S. N. Johnson-Roehr (JR)

Balban's Tomb

Delhi sultan Ghiyas ud din Balban’s (r. 1266-1287) tomb. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Rajon Ki Baoli
Image by Ronit Bhattacharjee

Rajon Ki Baoli

Rajon Ki Baoli, a step-well built during the reign of Ibrahim Lodi (r. 1517-1526). Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Jamali Kamali Mosque
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Jamali Kamali Mosque

Jamali Kamali mosque, built by Mughal emperors Babur and Humayun between 1528-1529 and 1536. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Madhi Masjid
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Madhi Masjid

Madhi Masjid mihrab, built in the early Mughal period. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Roman Temple in Córdoba
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Temple in Córdoba

The partially reconstructed Roman temple in the Spanish city of Córdoba (Roman Colonia Patricia Corduba).
Oceanus Mosaic
Image by Carole Raddato

Oceanus Mosaic

Mosaic with a mask of the god Oceanus with lobster claws protruding from his head, and dolphins and fish escaping from his beard. Dated to 2nd-3rd century CE. Salón de los Mosaicos (Hall of Mosaics) Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs, Cordoba...
The Central Fire
Image by Pixabay

The Central Fire

Central fire. Image by Pixabay on
The Battle of Pelusium
Image by Simon Seitz

The Battle of Pelusium

Artist's impression of the Battle of Pelusium (525 BCE), showing the Persian army led by Cambyses II (525-522 BCE) on the left, and the Egyptian army led by Psametik III (526-525 BCE) on the right. The battle was a decisive Persian...