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Pro-Nazi Crowd in Vienna, March 1938
Image by Heinrich Hoffmann

Pro-Nazi Crowd in Vienna, March 1938

A photograph showing a crowd in the Heldenplatz of Vienna on March 15, 1938 awaiting a speech by Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) after the Anschluss of 12 March. (US National Archives)
German Troops Crossing the Austrian Border, 1938
Image by Imperial War Museums

German Troops Crossing the Austrian Border, 1938

A photograph showing German troops crossing the border with Austria during the Anschluss of March 1938. (Imperial War Museums)
Thomas Jefferson, 1786
Image by Mather Brown

Thomas Jefferson, 1786

Thomas Jefferson as US minister to France, oil on canvas by Mather Brown, 1786. National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Lewis and Clark on the Lower Columbia
Image by Charles M. Russell

Lewis and Clark on the Lower Columbia

The Lewis and Clark Expedition meet the Chinook people on the Lower Columbia River in October 1805, watercolor on paper by Charles M. Russell, 1905. Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, Texas.
Marines Share a Foxhole with an Okinawan Child, 1945
Image by Unknown Photographer

Marines Share a Foxhole with an Okinawan Child, 1945

A photograph of Corporal Earl Brunitt and Private Genare Nuzzi of the US Marine Corps, sharing a foxhole with an Okinawan orphan child, taken in April 1945. The Battle of Okinawa (April-June 1945) saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the...
Bejeweled Bodhisattva Maitreya Meditating on a Lotus Seat
Image by Malyka

Bejeweled Bodhisattva Maitreya Meditating on a Lotus Seat

Bejeweled Bodhisattva Maitreya meditating on a lotus seat, 2nd-3rd century. Peshawar Museum, Pakistan.
Custer with Pleasonton
Image by Unknown

Custer with Pleasonton

US Army officers George Armstrong Custer (left) and Alfred Pleasonton, autumn 1863, from page 280 of The Photographic History of The Civil War in Ten Volumes: Volume Four, The Cavalry. The Review of Reviews Co., New York, 1911.
George & Libbie Custer, 1864
Image by Matthew Brady

George & Libbie Custer, 1864

George Armstrong Custer and his wife Elizabeth "Libbie" Custer, photo by Matthew Brady, 1864. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Battle of Gettysburg
Image by Thule de Thulstrup / Adam Cuerden

Battle of Gettysburg

Pickett's Charge of 3 July 1863, L. Prang & Co. print of the painting Hancock at Gettysburg by Thure de Thulstrup, 1887. Restored by Adam Cuerden.
Custer's Last Stand
Image by Edgar Samuel Paxson

Custer's Last Stand

Custer's Last Stand at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in June 1876, oil on canvas painting by Edgar Samuel Paxson 1899. Whitney Gallery of Western Art.