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Luanda in the 18th Century
Image by Guilherme Paes de Menezes

Luanda in the 18th Century

A 1755 illustration of the port of Luanda, capital of the colony of Portuguese Angola and capital of today's Angola. Luanda was one of the major points of assembly for African slaves destined for the Americas.
Queen Nzinga of Matamba
Image by Achille Devéria

Queen Nzinga of Matamba

A 19th-century illustration by Achille Devéria of Queen Nzinga (aka Zingha) of Matamba (l. c. 1583-1663), a kingdom which ruled in what is today Angola. (National Portrait Gallery, London)
Image by Ubisoft


Artist's impression of Kallipateira, also known as Pherenike (l. c. 388 BCE), the female Olympic trainer from Rhodes, who risked the death penalty and disguised herself as a man to train her son to win. Screenshot from the video game Assassin's...
Diagoras of Rhodes
Image by Auguste Vinchon

Diagoras of Rhodes

Diagoras is carried by his two sons after an Olympic victory, painting by Auguste Vinchon, 1814. National School of Fine Arts (Beaux-Arts de Paris), Paris.
Chokwe Sculpture, Angola
Image by Brooklyn Museum

Chokwe Sculpture, Angola

A wooden Chokwe sculpture, Angola, 19th century. The figure is female, likely royal, and has been hollowed out for use as a container for snuff with the head as the stopper. (Brooklyn Museum, New York)
Ark of the Covenant
Image by Mary Harrsch

Ark of the Covenant

Steven Spielberg's artistic impression of the Ark of the Covenant from the film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Photographed at the "Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology" exhibit at the National Geographic Museum...
Rio, Portuguese Brazil
Image by Nicolas-Antoine Taunay

Rio, Portuguese Brazil

An 1816 painting of Rio de Janeiro. Rio was made sole capital of Portuguese Brazil in 1763. Painted by Nicolas-Antoine Taunay. (Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio)
Dutch Ship in Recife, Brazil
Image by Abraham Willaerts

Dutch Ship in Recife, Brazil

A c. 1640 painting showing a Dutch ship in the harbour of Recife, Portuguese Brazil. Painted by Abraham Willaerts. (Het Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam)
Dancing Tapuias
Image by Albert Eckhout

Dancing Tapuias

A 17th-century painting by Albert Eckhout showing dancing Tapuias, an indigenous tribe of Brazil. (National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen)
Slave Women, Brazil
Image by Carlos Julião

Slave Women, Brazil

A c. 1770 illustration by Carlos Julião showing enslaved market women in Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese Brazil.