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RMS Titanic
A photograph of RMS Titanic leaving Southampton on its fateful maiden voyage on 10 April 1912.
(Colorisation by Wikipedia users: Fidodog14 and SandyShores03)

Symbol of Legion XX
Tile antefix with the name of Legion XX and a boar, the legionary symbol, from Holt, Clwyd, Wales. 2nd-3rd century CE.
The British Museum, London

Fragment of Legio IX Hispana Tablet
Commemorative Tablet fragment of an inscription recording the building in stone of the SE gate of the fortress at Eboracum (York) under Trajan, c. 108 CE.

Legio VI Victrix Reenactors
Reenactors with the emblem of Legio VI Victrix, 2017.

Legio II Augusta Reenactment
Roman army reenactment under the emblem of Legio II Augusta in 2012 at the Archeon, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands.

Cardo Maximus of Carsulae, Italy
The cardo maximus at Carsulae (Italy) was the main north–south-oriented street crossing the city. The reconstructed arch marked the entrance to the forum.

Northern Side of the Forum of Carsulae, Italy
A series of two-storey public administration rooms bordered the northern side of the forum of the city of Carsulae (Italy). A colonnaded portico ran along the façade of the buildings where the Decumanus ran the length of the forum. The largest...

Arch of San Damiano in Carsulae, Italy
The Arch of San Damiano was the northern gate to the city of Carsulae (Italy). It was built under Augustus between 27 BCE and 14 CE at the same time as the Via Flaminia was repaved. The Arch of San Damiano originally consisted of three arched...

Circular Mausoleum in Carsulae, Italy
This circular mausoleum at Carsulae (Italy) dates to the 1st century CE. It was built by cutting into a limestone crag and constructing a terrace wall in limestone opus quadratum. The tomb likely belonged to the Furia family. An inscription...

Tower Tomb in Carsulae, Italy
The so-called Tower Tomb at Carsuale (Italy) is a mausoleum dated to between the 1st century BCE-1st century CE. Its lower structure is a quadrangular base 4.3 metres (14.1 ft) square and 2.4 metres (7.8 ft) high. Above the base, a hollow...