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Sir Henry Vane the Younger
Image by Wikipedia

Sir Henry Vane the Younger

Portrait of Sir Henry Vane the Younger (l. 1613-1662 CE), governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony 1636-1637 CE and advocate of religious freedom and tolerance by Peter Lely (1618-1680). Cromwell Museum, Huntingdon Sir Henry Van...
Reconstructed Funerary Temple in the Moselle Valley
Image by Carole Raddato

Reconstructed Funerary Temple in the Moselle Valley

Along the entire Moselle from Trier to Koblenz in Germany, archaeologists have found remains of Roman estates, temples, mausolea, and various wine presses at the foot of several vineyard slopes. Nehren was apparently the location of a large...
Anne Hutchinson Statue
Image by Cyrus Dallin

Anne Hutchinson Statue

Statue of Anne Hutchinson (l. 1591-1643 CE), religious visionary and champion of religious freedom, and her daughter, by Cyrus Dallin, unveiled in 1915 CE, dedicated in 1922 CE. State House of Boston, MA, United States. Photo...
Anne Hutchinson Plaque
Image by Sarnold17

Anne Hutchinson Plaque

Plaque commemorating Anne Hutchinson (l. 1591-1643 CE) at Quincy, Massachusetts, where the Hutchinson family's farm once stood, placed in 1894 CE.
Major General Horatio Gordon Robley (1840-1930 CE)
Image by Unknown

Major General Horatio Gordon Robley (1840-1930 CE)

An 1860 CE painting of Horatio Gordon Robley (1840-1930 CE) - British soldier, artist and collector of the macabre.
Roman Bridge, Trier
Image by Berthold Werner

Roman Bridge, Trier

Spanning the Moselle River, the Roman bridge (German: Römerbrücke) in Trier is Germany's oldest standing bridge. It was built in 144 CE from black basalt from the Eifel mountains but its superstructure, now made of stone, was once made of...
Imperial Baths, Trier
Image by Carole Raddato

Imperial Baths, Trier

The Imperial Baths at Trier (Germany) is a vast Roman thermal bathing complex constructed in the 4th century CE. The building, which would have been one of the largest of its kind, was never completed and there is evidence that it was later...
Basilica of Constantine, Trier
Image by Carole Raddato

Basilica of Constantine, Trier

The Basilica of Constantine (Aula Palatina) in Trier (Germany) was built around 310 CE by Constantine I (r. 306-337 CE) as the reception and throne room of the imperial palace . With an interior 67 metres (219 ft) long and 33 metres (108...
Meurin Roman Mine
Image by Carole Raddato

Meurin Roman Mine

The Meurin Roman Mine (German: Römerbergwerk Meurin) at Kretz in Germany is the largest underground Roman tuff (rock made of volcanic ash) quarry north of the Alps. The layers of tuff here, which are several metres thick and have been quarried...
The Hei Tiki
Image by Vassil

The Hei Tiki

Anthropomorphic pendant (hei tiki), jade (nephrite), abalone shell and pigments, Maori culture, 1500-1800 CE. In the exhibition "Maori, their treasures have got a soul", in the Musée des Arts Premiers in Paris, 2011-2012 CE.