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The Discourses of Epictetus
Image by Codex Bodleianus

The Discourses of Epictetus

Codex Bodleianus (Cod. graec. Misc. 251, Auct. T. 4. 13), Bodleian Library, c. 11th or 12th century CE. The Discourses of Epictetus by Arrian. The large stain on the manuscript on this page (Book 1. 18. 8-11) has made this passage partially...
Coronation Chair of Edward I
Image by Kjetil Bjørnsrud

Coronation Chair of Edward I

The Coronation Chair of Edward I of England (r. 1272-1307 CE). The throne was made to accommodate under the seat the Stone of Scone, the traditional coronation stone of Scottish monarchs which Edward had taken from Scotland in 1296 CE. The...
Anabasis of Alexander
Image by BEIC Digital Library

Anabasis of Alexander

Alexandri Anabasis by Arrian (86 - c. 160 CE) Published in Geneva, 1575 CE.
Saint Margaret of Scotland Stained Glass Window
Image by Claire Knights

Saint Margaret of Scotland Stained Glass Window

A stained glass window showing Saint Margaret of Scotland, from her chapel in Edinburgh Castle. Queen Margaret (c. 1046-1093 CE) was the wife of Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE) from 1070 CE to 1093 CE.
Chapel of Saint Margaret of Scotland, Edinburgh
Image by ozz13x

Chapel of Saint Margaret of Scotland, Edinburgh

The Chapel of Saint Margaret of Scotland in Edinburgh Castle. Queen Margaret (c. 1046-1093 CE) was the wife of Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE) from 1070 CE to 1093 CE.
Malcolm III and Queen Margaret of Scotland
Image by Unknown Artist

Malcolm III and Queen Margaret of Scotland

A c. 1591 CE illustration of Queen Margaret of Scotland (c. 1046-1093 CE) and her husband Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE). From the Seton Armorial.
Saint Margaret of Scotland by Obra de Juan de Roelas
Image by Luis Fernández García

Saint Margaret of Scotland by Obra de Juan de Roelas

A c. 1605 painting of Saint Margaret of Scotland (c. 1046-1093 CE) by Obra de Juan de Roelas. Margaret was the queen of Scotland and wife of Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE) from 1070 to 1093 CE. (Church of San Miguel and San Julián...
Dunfermline Abbey
Image by Cocoloco29

Dunfermline Abbey

Dunfermline Abbey, Fife, Scotland. The abbey was re-founded around 1150 CE during the reign of David I of Scotland (r. 1124-1153 CE). It contains the remains of Saint Margaret of Scotland and Robert the Bruce, amongst others.
Sarah Josepha Hale
Image by James Reid Lambdin

Sarah Josepha Hale

Sarah Josepha Hale (l. 1788-1879 CE), the writer and editor of the popular periodical Godey’s Lady’s Boo campaigned for the national observance of Thanksgiving Day beginning in 1846 CE. Painting by James Reid Lambdin (1807-1889 CE) Richard's...
Malcolm III of Scotland & Queen Margaret
Image by Forman Armorial

Malcolm III of Scotland & Queen Margaret

A 1562 CE manuscript illustration showing Malcolm III of Scotland (r. 1058-1093 CE) and Queen Margaret. (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh).