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Eric Driscoll
Image by Evan Levine

Eric Driscoll

Assistant Director at the American School For Classical Studies in Athens.
American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Image by Konstantinos Tzortzinis and the ASCSA

American School of Classical Studies, Athens

Aerial Shot of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens
The American School of Classical Studies in Athens
Image by Konstantinos Tzortzinis and the ASCSA

The American School of Classical Studies in Athens

Aerial Shot of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.
The Blegen Library
Image by Konstantinos Tzortzinis and the ASCSA

The Blegen Library

The Blegen Library in Athens.
16th Century CE Flemish Book Printer
Image by The British Museum

16th Century CE Flemish Book Printer

An illustration of a Flemish printer's shop, Impressio Librorum. Made in Antwerp, 1580-1605 CE. (British Museum, London)
Early-modern Bookwheel
Image by Bassschlüssel

Early-modern Bookwheel

An early-modern bookwheel, used to display several open books at once. (Jagiellonian University Museum Krakow, Poland)
Juvenal's Satires
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Juvenal's Satires

Engraved title page to Robert Stapylton's translation of 'Juvenalls Satyrs' with a portrait of Juvenal (l. c. 55-138 CE) in the centre. Print made by Thomas Rawlins, 1645-1670 CE.
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum


Statue of Junius Juvenal on a pedestal lettered with his name, holding a scroll. Frontispiece to Robert Stapylton's Mores Hominum. The Manners of Men, Described in Sixteen Satyrs by Juvenal (London: 1660 CE). Etching after Robert Streeter...
Mayflower Compact, Pilgrim Monument
Image by David

Mayflower Compact, Pilgrim Monument

Text of the "Mayflower Compact" inscribed at the base of the Pilgrim Monument, Provincetown, MA
Giovanni Boccaccio, Uffizi
Image by JoJan

Giovanni Boccaccio, Uffizi

A statue of the Italian poet and scholar Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375 CE). Created in the 19th century CE by Odoardo Fantacchiotti. (Uffizi Gallery, Florence).