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Alexander Severus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Alexander Severus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Alexander Severus (r. 222-235 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Elagabalus (Aged Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Elagabalus (Aged Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Elagabalus (r. 218-222 CE) may have looked like. This reconstruction depicts him clean shaven and wearing minor cosmetics, as he was reputed to have done while emperor. Based on contemporary...
Elagabalus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Elagabalus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Elagabalus (r. 218-222 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Nicolaus Copernicus by Jan Matejko
Image by Jan Matejko

Nicolaus Copernicus by Jan Matejko

A 19th century CE painting by Jan Matejko of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543 CE), the Polish astronomer who famously proposed that the Earth and other planets revolved around the Sun in a heliocentric system.
Diadumenian (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Diadumenian (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Diadumenian (r. 217-218 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Macrinus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Macrinus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Macrinus (r. 217-218 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Geta (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Geta (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Geta (r. 211 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the...
Caracalla (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Caracalla (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Caracalla (r. 211-217 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Septimius Severus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Septimius Severus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Septimius Severus (r. 193-211 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...
Didius Julianus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Didius Julianus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Didius Julianus (r. 193 CE) may have looked like. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions, as well as archaeological evidence. Pictured alongside the reconstruction...