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Domitian (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Domitian (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Domitian (r. 81-96 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the artworks and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom, these are...
Titus (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Titus (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Titus (r. 79-81 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the artworks and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom, these are the...
Vespasian (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Vespasian (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Vespasian (r. 69-79 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the artworks and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom, these are...
Vitellius (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Vitellius (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Vitellius (r. 69 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the artworks and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom are the Louvre...
Otho (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Otho (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Otho (r. 69 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the busts and artwork used as references. From left to right and top to bottom these are the Louvre...
Galba (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Galba (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Galba (r. 68-69 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the Capitoline bust of Galba and the bust from the Stockholm Museum of Antiquities, used as references...
Caligula (Facial Reconstruction of Met Portrait)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Caligula (Facial Reconstruction of Met Portrait)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Caligula (r. 37-41 CE) may have looked like, based on an idealized marble portrait bust from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Made using Photoshop and Artbreeder, a neural net tool.
Caligula (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Caligula (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Caligula (r. 37-41 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the busts and statuary used as references. Louvre bust (top left) is the primary reference...
Nero (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Nero (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Nero (r. 54-68 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the artworks and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom these are the...
Claudius (Facial Reconstruction)
Image by Daniel Voshart

Claudius (Facial Reconstruction)

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Claudius (r. 41-54 CE) may have looked like. Pictured alongside the reconstruction are the busts and statuary used as references. From left to right and top to bottom these are the...