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Valentine's Day Postcard
Image by Library of Congress

Valentine's Day Postcard

Card showing an angel paddling in a small boat called "Hearts Delight", 1890 CE. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.
Lupercalia in Ancient Rome
Image by Circle of Adam Elsheimer

Lupercalia in Ancient Rome

The Lupercalian festival in Rome: Cupid and Personifications of Fertility encounter the Luperci dressed as dogs and goats, a pen and ink drawing by the Circle of Adam Elsheimer (1578-1610).
Cupid Riding A Dolphin
Image by Erasmus Quellinus II

Cupid Riding A Dolphin

Cupid on a Dolphin, painting by Erasmus Quellinus II, 1630 CE. Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Saint Valentine Kneeling in Supplication
Image by David Teniers III

Saint Valentine Kneeling in Supplication

Saint Valentine kneeling in supplication, painting by David Teniers III, 1677 CE.
Image by Carole Raddato


Part of a mosaic pavement depicting Atalanta on horseback hunting a lion. The lion and the end of the Greek inscription giving Atalanta's name are missing. From a Roman Villa at Halicarnassus, 4th century CE. British Museum, London.
Aeneas' Arrival in Latium
Image by Carole Raddato

Aeneas' Arrival in Latium

Roman bas-relief depicting the arrival of Aeneas and his Trojan companions in Italy, made about 140-150 CE. Aeneas is landing on the shores of Latium with his companions. His son Ascanius is behind him. On the left is the sow who tells him...
Aeneas Carrying Anchises
Image by Carole Raddato

Aeneas Carrying Anchises

Limestone statue group depicting Aeneas carrying Anchises, from a mausoleum of Cologne, 2nd century CE. LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, Germany.
Celtic Burial Mounds
Image by Carole Raddato

Celtic Burial Mounds

Reconstructions of Celtic burial mounds dating to the La Tène period (5th to 1st century BCE). The mounds were surrounded by circular ditches of 0.6 metres and 1.2 metres. European Archaeological Park of Bliesbruck-Reinheim, Germany / France...
Recreation of the Funeral Chamber of the Celtic Princess of Reinheim
Image by Carole Raddato

Recreation of the Funeral Chamber of the Celtic Princess of Reinheim

A recreation of the wooden funeral chamber of the 'Princess of Reinheim', dating from the 4th century BCE. The burial chamber was filled with exceptionally rich funerary objects. European Archaeological Park of Bliesbruck-Reinheim, Germany...
Essendon Celtic Coin Hoard
Image by The British Museum

Essendon Celtic Coin Hoard

A number of the gold coins found in the Celtic Essendon hoard from Hertfordshire, England. The hoard dates to the period c. 60 BCE to 40 CE. It is likely the coins were buried as a votive offering as the hoard was added to over a period of...