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Statues Inside the Temple of Abu Simbel
Statues inside the temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849 CE. Wellcome Collection, London. David Roberts travelled in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly Egypt, from 1838 to...

Sandstorm Approaching the Sphinx at Giza at Sunset
Sandstorm approaching the sphinx at Gîza at sunset, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849 CE. Wellcome Collection, London David Roberts travelled in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly Egypt, from...

Entrance to the Temple at Luxor
Entrance to the temple at Luxor, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1848 CE. Wellcome Collection, London. David Roberts travelled in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly Egypt, from 1838 to 1839 CE...

Minoan Bronze Shield
Bronze shield, Crete, Geometric period, 8th-7th century BCE. Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete. The bronze tympanon/shield found in the Idaean Cave is a votive offering from around the 8th century BCE. It is decorated with a bas-relief...

Wayland the Smith
Close-up of the front panel of the Franks Casket, Auzon, France, 8th century CE. The British Museum, London. This part of the casket features an Anglo-Saxon depiction of the Wayland (Volund) legend. Wayland is depicted next to his forge...

Reconstruction of Mount Malady, Henricus Colony
Reconstruction of Mount Malady, the first English hospital built in North America c. 1611 CE, at Henricus Colony of Virginia. It was destroyed in the so-called Indian Massacre of 1622 CE when the Powhatan Confederacy launched the Second...

Reconstruction of a Colonist's Home, Henricus Colony
Reconstruction of an English colonist's home at Henricus Colony of Virginia, c. 1611 CE.

Cernunnos, Gundestrup Cauldron
The horned-figure frequently identified as the Celtic god Cernunnos. A detail from an interior panel of the Gundestrup Cauldron. The cauldron was found in Denmark in 1891 CE but was produced in the Balkans. Gilded silver, likely 1st century...

Cernunnos Rheims Relief
A 1st century CE bas-relief showing the Celtic god Cernunnos and Apollo (left) and Mercury (right). (Musée Saint-Remi, Rheims, France)

Cernunnos, Nautae Parisiaci
A depiction of the Celtic god Cernunnos from the pillar known as the Nautae Parisiaci ('Seaman of the City of Paris') which was dedicated to Jupiter. Gallo-Roman, 1st century CE. (Musée National du Moyen Age, Cluny, France).