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Repaired Greek Cup
Image by Xuan Che

Repaired Greek Cup

A 5th century BCE drinking cup (kylix) from Attica which was imported and then repaired using gold by Celtic craftworkers. (Historisches Museum, Bern)
Matzhausen Linsenflasche
Image by Andreas Praefcke

Matzhausen Linsenflasche

The Matzhausen Linsenflasche, a fine example of a type of Celtic flask. It dates to the 4th century BCE and was discovered at the site of that name in Austria. (Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Berlin)
Reconstructed Roman Pilum
Image by Matthias Kabel

Reconstructed Roman Pilum

Reconstructed Roman pila used in a reenactment show of Legio XV from Pram, Austria, 2005 CE.
The Pfalzfeld Pillar
Image by Sozi

The Pfalzfeld Pillar

A fine early example of the Celtic carved pillar is the 5th-4th century BCE Pfalzfeld Pillar from near St. Goar, Germany. The pillar is 1.48 metres (4 ft 8 in) tall and was once topped by a head. Divided into four sides by vertical cable...
Bacon's Rebellion: The Burning of Jamestown
Image by Howard Pyle

Bacon's Rebellion: The Burning of Jamestown

The Burning of Jamestown. Illustration by Howard Pyle, from page 120 of Harper's Encyclopaedia of United States History: from 458 A.D. to 1905 by Benson John Lossing, Ed. Vol 5 of 10, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1905 CE. The image depicts...
Ruins of Jamestown after Bacon's Rebellion
Image by Internet Archive

Ruins of Jamestown after Bacon's Rebellion

Ruins of Jamestown, 1676. Illustration from page 45 of A School History of the United States, from the Discovery of America to the Year 1878 by David B. Scott, New York, Harper & brothers, 1879 CE. The engraving depicts the ruins of Jamestown...
Powhatan's Chimney
Image by James Lawson

Powhatan's Chimney

Powhatan's Chimney, Wicomico, Glouchester County, Virginia, USA, built in the 19th century CE. The monument rebuilt the ruin of a 17th-century CE structure thought to have been the chimney of a house built by Captain John Smith (l. 1580-1631...
Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses
Image by Peter F. Rothermel

Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses

Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses, painting by the American artist Peter F. Rothermel (l. 1817-1895 CE), 1852 CE. The painting depicts the patriot Patrick Henry proclaiming, "If this be treason, make the most of it!" in...
Tarasque de Noves
Image by Rvalette

Tarasque de Noves

The ‘Tarasque de Noves’ is a Celtic limestone sculpture of a seated hound from southern Gaul. The creature has each of its paws resting on a severed human head and is eating a third victim whose arm hangs from its snarling mouth. The sculpture...
Strettweg Cult Wagon
Image by Thilo Parg

Strettweg Cult Wagon

The Strettweg Cult Wagon. This bronze work, which dates to the 6th century BCE, was found in a tomb in Steiermark, Austria and is a fine example of the Celtic love of small figurines. The larger central figure is female and she supports a...