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Celtic Turoe Stone
The Celtic Turoe Stone, 1st century BCE. Covered in vegetal designs, the significance of the stone is not known but it likely had a sacred significance and probably once stood at a sacred site. Bullaun, County Galway, Ireland.

Odin & Mime
Odin & Mime relief by Dagfin Werenskiold.
Oslo City Hall, Norway.
Photo credit: Eir Torvik / Rådhusets forvaltningstjeneste (City Hall General Services)

The Sons of Ivaldi Forging Thor's Hammer
The third gift — an enormous hammer. Illustration from page 88 of In the Days of Giants: A Book of Norse Tales written by Abbie Farwell Brown, illustrated by E. Boyd Smith, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902 CE. The dwarven sons of Ivaldi forge...

The Ramsund Runestone
The Ramsund carving in Södermanland, Sweden, dated to the 11th-century CE. The runestone depicts scenes from the legend of Sigurd the dragon slayer: Sigurd sitting naked in front of the fire preparing the heart of the dragon Fafnir for...

Stanwick Horse Mask
The Stanwick Horse Mask is Celtic bronze horse head mask which was discovered as part of the Stanwick Hoard of North Yorkshire, England. The piece is concave and has side brackets to attach it to another object, perhaps an item made of wood...

Cernunnos Bouray Figure
The 'God of Bouray', often identified as the Celtic god Cernunnos. Found in Bouray, near Paris. Bronze. Height: 42 cm. 1st century BCE. (Archaeological Museum of Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France)

Constantius Chlorus (Artistic Facial Reconstruction)
A photorealistic facial reconstruction of Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus (r. 305-306 CE), the father of Constantine the Great (306-337 CE). Based on coinage and busts from the reign of Constantius Chlorus.

Arcadius (Artistic Facial Reconstruction)
A photorealistic facial reconstruction of Roman emperor Arcadius (395-408 CE). This reconstruction is based on coinage and busts from the reign of Arcadius.

Saqqara Necropolis Reconstruction
3D model render of the Saqqara necropolis looking north. The pyramids of Unas (r. c. 2345–2315 BCE) (left) and Djoser (c. 2670 BCE) (middle) are in the foreground. Render by Savannah Dawson. Reprinted from Constructing the Sacred: Visibility...

Ptolemy II (Artistic Facial Reconstruction)
A photorealistic representation of Ptolemy II of Egypt (284-246 BCE) as he may have appeared early in his reign. This reconstruction is based on archaeological evidence including busts, coinage, and descriptions of Ptolemy II in historical...