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Dog-Headed Rhyton
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Dog-Headed Rhyton

Red-figured pottery rhyton terminating in a dog's head depicting Eros seated on a rock to the right looking towards the left holding a bunch of grapes in his right hand and in his left a wreath from which hangs a taenia, in the field is flowers...
Cave Canem, Dog Mosaic
Image by Mitch Barrie

Cave Canem, Dog Mosaic

Cave Canem ("Beware of dog"), Roman mosaic at the House of the Tragic Poet, Pompeii, Italy.
Dog, Pompeii
Image by Ben Lawson

Dog, Pompeii

A cast of a dog from Pompeii. The dog was trapped in the ash flows of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.
Hunting Dog Mosaic
Image by Carole Raddato

Hunting Dog Mosaic

Detail of the Lod Mosaic: a rabbit eating grapes and a Lakonian hunting dog wearing a harness. The mosaic is believed to belong to a large and well-appointed Roman house in Lod, Israel, c. 300 CE.
Roman Guard Dog Mosaic
Image by Robin Dawes

Roman Guard Dog Mosaic

Cave Canem - Beware of dog - sign from Pompeii Guard dog mosaics were a frequent feature of the entryways to houses in Pompeii. Archaeological Museum of Naples
Augustan Roman Triumph
Image by Ancient History Magazine/ Karwansaray Publishers

Augustan Roman Triumph

An Augustan era Roman triumph, celebrating a military victory. Illustration by Zvonimir Grbasic.
Athenian Women Attack a Messenger
Image by Ancient History Magazine/ Karwansaray Publishers

Athenian Women Attack a Messenger

Athenian women attacking the messenger who brings news that their husbands' died in battle. Illustration by Marek Szyszko.
Marble Statuette of Bona Dea
Image by Andrea Pancotti

Marble Statuette of Bona Dea

A marble statuette of Bona Dea, the Roman goddess of chastity, fertility and healing.
Coin of Roma or Bellona
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Coin of Roma or Bellona

Silver denarius minted by M Servilius depicting the goddess Roma or Bellona on the obverse. On the reverse are two soldiers, with their horses in the background. c. 100 BCE. Rome. (British Museum)
Battle of Arginusae
Image by Ancient Warfare Magazine/ Karwansaray Publishers

Battle of Arginusae

An illustration of the Battle of Arginusae (406 BCE), during the Peloponnesian War. Illustration by Marek Szyszko.