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Miracle of the Mule by Donatello
Image by Sailko

Miracle of the Mule by Donatello

The silver and gilt relief panel known as the 'Miracle of the Mule' by the Italian Renaissance artist Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). The panel is one of four created for the high altar of the Sant' Antonio Basilica in Padua, Italy. 1446-1450...
Western and Northern Iwan, Masjed-e Imam
Image by youngrobv

Western and Northern Iwan, Masjed-e Imam

View of Masjed-e Imam's sahn (courtyard). The arcade surrounds the howz (ablutions pool) in the centre and the four iwan (gateway) are placed at each side. Visible here are the western and northern iwan. Esfahan, Iran.
Portrait of Donatello
Image by Sailko

Portrait of Donatello

A portrait of the Italian Renaissance artist Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). From a late 15th century CE tempera panel credited to Masaccio and known as 'The Founders of Florentine Art'. The other four portraits in the panel are of Giotto, Ucello...
Orodes II
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Orodes II

Parthian silver coin of Orodes II (57-38 BCE). The obverse shows Orodes II facing left, wearing diadem and torque, while the reverse depicts an archer seated on a throne.
David by Donatello (Detail)
Image by Rufus46

David by Donatello (Detail)

A detail of the bronze figure of the Biblical king David by the Italian Renaissance artist Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). The figure was sculpted in the 1420s to 1440s CE. (Bargello, Florence)
David by Donatello
Image by Patrick A. Rodgers

David by Donatello

The bronze figure of the Biblical king David by the Italian Renaissance artist Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). The figure was sculpted in the 1420s to 1440s CE. (Bargello, Florence)
Gattamelata by Donatello
Image by Nina Aldin Thune

Gattamelata by Donatello

A detail of the bronze sculpture known as the Gattamelata by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). Created c. 1443 CE, the subject is the mercenary leader Erasmo da Narni (1370-1443 CE) and it stands in Piazza di San...
Saint Mark by Donatello
Image by Mongolo1984

Saint Mark by Donatello

A marble figure of Saint Mark by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). Created between 1408 and 1413 CE, it originally stood in a niche outside Florenceā€™s Orsanmichele hall.
Pope Julius II by Raphael
Image by National Gallery, London

Pope Julius II by Raphael

A portrait of Pope Julius II (r. 1503-1513 CE) by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael, c. 1512 CE. (National Gallery London)
The Entombment by Raphael
Image by

The Entombment by Raphael

The Entombment of Christ (aka The Deposition) by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael (1483-1520 CE). Completed in 1507 CE, the scene shows the body of Jesus Christ being removed from the Cross. (Galleria Borghese, Rome)