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Annio da Viterbo
Image by Dguasta

Annio da Viterbo

A portrait of the Italian Dominican friar Annio da Viterbo (c. 1432 - 1502 CE). Besides being a scholar, Annio was infamous as a forger of classical texts and inscriptions. (Museo Civico, Viterbo, Italy)
Relief of Montu, el-Tod
Image by kairoinfo4u

Relief of Montu, el-Tod

Relief depicting the Egyptian war-god Montu, from his temple in el-Tod. 11th Dynasty (c. 2115-1991 BCE). (Louvre Museum)
Wadjet & Nekhbet Seated on a Basket
Image by Walters Art Museum

Wadjet & Nekhbet Seated on a Basket

A limestone relief depicting a vulture (possibly the goddess Nekhbet) and a rearing cobra (representing Wadjet) perched on a basket. Nekhbet and Wadjet were known as the "Two Ladies", representing Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt respectively...
Ammit & Thoth Await the Judgement of a Soul
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Ammit & Thoth Await the Judgement of a Soul

A detail from the Papyrus of Ani, an Egyptian Book of the Dead. The god Thoth stands at the ready to inscribe the interrogation and judgement of Ani, who whose soul is being judged by the gods. The goddess Ammit stands behind Thoth, ready...
Image by kairoinfo4u


Relief of Amun-Min from the Temple of Thutmose III (1458-1425 BCE). Deir el-Bahri, Egypt. (Collection of the Luxor Museum)
Wepwawet & Seti I, Abydos
Image by kairoinfo4u

Wepwawet & Seti I, Abydos

Relief of Wepwawet embracing Seti I (1290-1279 BCE). Located between the entrances of the Chapels of Ptah and Ra-Horakhty within the Temple of Seti. Abydos, Egypt.
Detail of Tameni Funerary Papyrus
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Detail of Tameni Funerary Papyrus

Detail of the Funerary Papyrus of Tameni, depicting the god Geb and the goddess Nut. Egypt. Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069-525 BCE). (Courtesy of the British Museum)
Geb & Nut, Book of the Dead
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Geb & Nut, Book of the Dead

A detail of the Book of the Dead of Henuttawy, depicting the goddess Nut arched over the god Geb. Geb is depicted with the head of a snake. The full papyrus measures 74 cm x 23 cm (29 in x 9 in). Egypt. Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069-525...
Book of the Dead of Henuttawy
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Book of the Dead of Henuttawy

The Book of the Dead of Henuttawy. The winged serpent god Nehebkau is depicted on the left. In the center of the papyrus is Osiris, who lies beneath the personification of the night sky. On the right side of the scene, the goddess Nut arches...
Egyptian Coffin with Coiled Snake (Atum) on the Top
Image by Art Institute of Chicago

Egyptian Coffin with Coiled Snake (Atum) on the Top

Bronze coffin decoration depicting the god Atum as a coiled serpent. Late Period of ancient Egypt, 664-30 BCE. Art Institute of Chicago.