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Mulan Statue
Image by Anandajoti Bhikkhu

Mulan Statue

Hua Mulan, Chinese and Japanese Gardens, Singapore
Mulan with a Horse
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Mulan with a Horse

Scene of Mulan a with horse. Printed in ink, colour on paper. 1867 CE, Dingmao, China
Mulan Enlists as a Soldier
Image by Pow951753

Mulan Enlists as a Soldier

Hua-Mu Lan enlists as a soldier instead of her father. Dalongdong Baoan Temple, painted by Pan-Li.
Jupiter with Eagle, Louvre
Image by Jean-Pol Grandmont

Jupiter with Eagle, Louvre

Statue of Jupiter with his trademark eagle. Marble, made c. 150 CE. (Louvre Museum)
Triumph of Neptune, Sousse
Image by Ad Meskens

Triumph of Neptune, Sousse

A Roman mosaic depicting the sea god Neptune being pulled in a chariot by two hippocampi. From Sousse, Tunisia. 3rd Century CE. (Sousse Archaeological Museum)
Late Period Statuette of Bastet
Image by Rama

Late Period Statuette of Bastet

A bronze statuette of the goddess Bastet (labelled Bastet-E 3731), made during the Late Period of Ancient Egypt, c. 664-332 BCE. Louvre Museum, Paris.
Statue of Set
Image by Tutincommon

Statue of Set

A statue of the Egyptian god Set (Seth), part of a statue group depicting Set and Horus crowning Ramesses III king, from Medinet Habu, Egypt, 20th Dynasty, early 12th century BCE. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Relief of Amun-Ra, Valley of the Kings
Image by Morgan Schmorgan

Relief of Amun-Ra, Valley of the Kings

A relief depicting Amun-Ra, from the Tomb of Ramesses IX (r. 1129–1111 BCE) in the Valley of the Kings. Thebes, Egypt.
Depiction of Ra Horakhty
Image by The Yorck Project

Depiction of Ra Horakhty

A relief portraying Ra or Ra Horakhty, with the goddess Imentet seated behind him. From the Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens. Thebes, Egypt. 19th Dynasty (1292-1186 BCE).
Relief of Ptah, Tomb of Nefertari
Image by kairoinfo4u

Relief of Ptah, Tomb of Nefertari

Part of a larger relief depicting Nefertari making offerings to Ptah. In this section, Ptah is depicted in his characteristic form as a mummified man holding a was-sceptre. From the Tomb of Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens. Thebes, Egypt...